A taste of life now

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Chapter 6

I walked slowly down the corridor. The train was already moving, and basically everyone was already sat in a compartment. I was looking for someone who was sat on their own, someone who was in the same situation as me. Someone who didn't really know the wizarding world yet.

I came across a compartment holding two people. Just two. A girl and a boy. The girl had gorgeous wavy red hair, and the boy had long, slightly greasy black hair. They looked deep in conversation. I hoped to God that they weren't dating and I wasn't interrupting anything, and slid the compartment door open.

They looked up from each other as I entered.

"Hi. I'm Amaris. Can I sit here?" I must have looked visibly nervous, because the girl smiled kindly and nodded.

"I'm Lily," she began, "and this is-"

"No," the boy interrupted. "You can't sit here. Fuck off, scar face." My hand flew up to the scar that travelled from my forehead, over my eye, and towards my ear lobe. Lily's eyes widened.

"Severus!" She exclaimed, shocked. "That was so rude! Apologise." The boy, Severus I guessed, just stared at me. I muttered a quick 'sorry', and left as quickly as I could, shutting the compartment door behind me. I heard it open again as I left. Lily grabbed my shoulder. "I'm so, so sorry about Severus! I think he's just nervous to get to Hogwarts."

"It's not your fault." I smiled sadly at her. I guessed this would be the way everyone would treat me now. A freak of the muggle and wizarding world. I just didn't belong.

"Still..." Lily said. "I'll see you at the sorting?"

"Sure." I nodded, and she flashed a grin at me.

"See you, Amaris!" She called over her shoulder.

"See you." I replied.

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