~ fourteen ~

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~ opening ~

"Sam! Sam!" A distance yelling woke Sam up out of his sleep. He rolled over, looking at his bedside clock. 10:26am, it flashed. Who is at my house this early? He thought, rolling out of bed, his blonde hair in his face.

"Sam! Sam!" It was a female voice, accompanied by a rapid knocking on his door.

"Can you wait a second!" He forced back, putting a shirt on over his chest, pushing himself off the bed. Sam walked over to his door, opening it. Solaris stood on the other end, her brown hair tied back into a bun, something that she never wore.

"The hospital called," she breathed, excitement in her voice. "Colby is awake and alive!"


Colby glanced around at the hospital room. It was.. Better then the everlasting darkness he was trapped in, listening to every word anyone said if they came in.

What did Solaris mean last time she visited? His blue gazed hazing with wonder and dismay as he attempted to figure out the words she muttered.

Though, his thoughts were quickly interrupted as the door swung open. Ace, Solaris, and Sam stood at the door, they're eyes widened with hope, and love.

Colby blinked twice, tilting his head. "You guys look like you've seen a ghost."

Sam was the first once to break the stare as he ran over to hug the brunette. "I'm just so so glad you're alive!" He exclaimed, wrapping his arms around him.

"As we all are," Ace added on, walking over to the side of the hospital bed.

Colby smiled with gratitude. "Thank you for coming," he said, looking at the two males. "At least, now, when I'm not comatose." He glanced down, seeing Solaris still isolated by the door. Her gaze hiding something, her wrist clenched around her sleeve.

She's hiding something, he concluded. Something she doesn't want anyone to know, something dastardly and.. Harmful.

"...And I'm so sorry that we didn't help you sooner," Sam's voice brought him back to reality. "Especially against Kale, but he's luckily locked away-"

"Sam," he cut him off. "Can you and Ace wait in the hall? I.. I have to talk to Solaris.. Privately." He noticed her perk her head up slightly, fear clouding her face.

"Oh.. Of course, Colby." He replied, taking Ace as they walked into the hallway, shutting the door behind them


Solaris' heart was pumping rapidly as she hesitatingly walked over to the hospital bed. What does he need? What does he want?

"Come closer, Solaris," he murmured, motioning her closer. She slowly walked to a chair nearby, sitting down.

"When you came in here last," he started, sitting up slightly. "Even though I was comatose, I still heard everything you said."

Solaris tensed up, He heard everything? "Go on.."

"You mentioned something about me not being the only one in pain, though mine is mental pain.. What did you mean by that.."

She blinked a few times, letting the silence crowd between the two. She moved her gaze to the floor, not wanting to make eye contact with Colby.

"Solaris," he said again, more sternly. "What did you mean?"

Solaris huffed, moving her hand to her sleeve. She slowly rolled it up, revealing the dozen scars buried within her wrist..

the end...Where stories live. Discover now