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~ opening ~

Kale laughed manically at Sam's look at his boyfriend. Tangled hair, blood running down from everywhere, how lifeless he was. "You enjoy the scene?" He inquired, laughing more.

"W-why?" Sam choked on his word, running up to Colby. "Why?"

"Sam, I wouldn't get too close," Solaris commented, placing her hand on his shoulder. "Who knows what Kale has done to him."

Indeed, he thought, smiling evilly, you have no clue. You don't know his trigger word. The word that'll make him go crazy, make him kill you, Sam. Kale chuckled darkly.

Something flickered in his gaze. Ace swiftly exited the vault, shutting the door behind him. Why, is a mystery to him.

Solaris, his cousin, met eye to eye with him. "You're sickening Kale," she growled, stepping away from the blonde and the brunette. "A ruthless killer that deserves a life in prison. A torturer, one who never stops until his plan is completed. Maniacal, and disbanded from my family. You've been cursed among your cousins."

He frowned slightly. "You think I care that I've been damned to hell by your cousins?" He inquired. "You think I care that your cousins hate me? This world isn't about cousinly love. It's about survival. Love and Loss. Not about some relatives that I barely saw anyways, Solaris. You honestly think I give a shit? One word and Colby will commit suicide. Not after trying to kill Samuel of course."

Sam glared up at Kale. "He'll refuse," he snarled, hatred burning in his blue gaze. "You don't know Colby like I do. Mentally drained, under your control, sure, but he's fighting. Deep inside, he's struggling against your word. In his mind, he's fighting against you. Whatever control you have over him, hes stronger than. I know he is. He just has to find that strength, to find it, and to break free from the coil you've wrapped him in. Colby is much stronger than you, Kale."

Kale rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. "You think he's stronger than me?" He inquired, his green gaze flaring. "He not. His mental state has been completely damaged. He knows his trigger word. I have to say it. Just once, and his mind will go completely blank, he'll pick up a knife, and he'll chase you. I can only save you by saying another trigger word, which-"

"You honestly think we care about your deathly plan!" Solaris snapped, her words sharp, stinging, and hateful. "You don't realise it, but we have cops surrounding this hotel. We have some waiting for you outside this vault. Whatever you have planned will be caught, and you, Mr., will be sent to jail. So go ahead. Do your plan. It's not gonna fucking work!" She heaved in a breathe, leaving his face surprised. He never thought she had it in her to snap.

"Okay. Solaris, Samuel," he growled. "You better be prepared."

Kale turned to Colby. "You're worthless, useless, a mistake of the earth."

"I'm worthless, useless, a mistake of the earth," Colby repeated, his voice sounding very programmed, and stern.



Ace stood at the door of the hotel. He watched the cops surround the building. He was waiting for the strongest cop to walk in the door. The one who can tackle Kale and set him into jail.

He watched. Many cops walk in, but didn't see the one he hired. Soon enough, she walked in.

"You ready, Ace?" She asked, her voice strong and manly.

"As ready as I could be." He commented.

the end...Where stories live. Discover now