~ e i g h t~

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~ o p e n i n g ~

Solaris heaved a breath. They've been walking all day. It was a long walk to the abandoned warehouse from where they were. She ran her fingers through her long brown hair, the spikes of the fingerless gloves hooked onto it at times, but slid right off. She glanced forward at Sam, who seemed distressed.

The blonde was walking back and forth in the warehouse. They've just arrived, and were taking a moment of a break. Her brown eyes glinted with curiosity. She leaned, putting her weight on one leg, crossing her arms, she tilted her head forward. "Sam."

He stopped suddenly, his fearful gaze coming in contact with her calm, collected gaze. "What Solaris.." His voice hissed like a snake. Sharp and threatening.

Solaris rolled her eyes. She extended her hand, grabbing his from his side and pulling him closer to her. "You look stressed."

"I am." He murmured, not meeting her gaze, but staring at her combat boots. He was a few inches taller than she was, with or without the boots.

She made him raise his head to make eye contact with him. "Normally, I wouldn't betray a friend but.." She moved up, her lips coming in contact with his. He was shocked, not kissing back; his body frozen. She pulled away, seeing the electrifying blue gaze. She smirked, walking away. "Let's find this next clue."


Colby's gaze was hollow. He was alone in the metal cage, listening to nothing but his heart beat. He felt like an empty vessel. A puppet on a string. Stuck in his thoughts as he stared lifeless at the floor.

What the hell is happening! He thought, desperately trying to move a muscle in his body. I'm under Kale's control! He's making he say shit I don't want to, making me do shit I don't! What am I!

Colby was a rag doll, used for toying by Kale. He blinked slowly, his heart beat slow and unnoticed. Though he was still alive.

I hope Sam and Solaris are save.. He thought, sighing in his head. I hope they aren't hurt..

The brunette was worthless. All he has to do was listen to Kale. To the one who made him this way. His only choice was to listen and obey.

Listen and obey.


Ace paced in his house, screaming into his bedside pillow. He ruffled his hair, continuing to walk back and forth. He couldn't take it. He couldn't handle seeing Colby, his once best friend, in the mental state he's in. It kills him inside.

There's nothing I can do! His head screamed, running his hands through his hair. He's stuck, trapped, alone. Basically a rag doll under Kale's control! His pacing continued, growing faster and faster and faster. There's nothing I can do. Police don't believe me, Kale would kill me if i brought Solaris and Sam to him directly. What can I do!! He breathed heavily, words running through his head.

Thoughts, plans, ideas, the worse pacing through his thick skull. What could he do?

The only logical option is to bring them. Ace thought, sitting down on his couch, sighing aloud. But even that's a suicide mission. Kale would kill me if I did that.

A loud sigh came out of his mouth, placing his head in his hands, Ace gave up. I'll try to bring them.


Kale sat in his dark room. The only light coming from his small lamp on his desk. He stared down at the black desk, eyes dilating in the darkness. His thoughts of his plan running deep in his skull.

It seems to be working, he thought, a small chuckle of evil escaping his lips. Colby is under my complete control, Sam and Solaris are tracking us down, and I have a partner who seems to be helping this entire process. One I can trust, one who will help me.

Kale pushed his chair back, rolling over to his bed. He gripped a book off of it, smiling at the red. This is going according to plan.

He went back to his desk, setting it down. "Kale! Dinner!" His mother called. He glanced to his door, rolling his eyes. He got up from his chair, and to the door. Kale opened the door, leaving the room.

The small book on the desk read; "A tortuous plan. Come with death, suicide, and loss."

the end...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora