Chapter 3

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The bus started back up again causing me to bounce up and land on to Carson. I tried to get off but the senior next to us was taking up the rest of the seat. I kept trying to adjust myself to make it less awkward ,but I think it hurt him because he grunted out of pain. I told him "sorry" and I said "I don't know what to do"
The bus halted to a stop when we got to a stop light and I went flying forward ,but luckily Carson grabbed my hips before I slammed into the seat in front of us. He let go and I asked him "Is it okay if you keep holding me so I don't go flying forward" His hands were warm and they fit perfectly around my waist ,they made me feel safe.

Once we turned into the parking lot of the school the bus shook causing me to roughly sway back and forth on top of Carson.

It wasn't until then did I realize that I had been practically grinding on Carson this whole time until I felt him get hard underneath me.The thought of me causing him to get hard turned me on,weather or not I had feelings for him. I looked at Carson, his cheeks were boiling red. I let out a little giggle, it wasn't funny but I found his embarrassment amusing. I was horny which caused me to make sure that at every turn I would take the chance to tease him by purposely "swaying" on top of him. The bus came too a stop in front of the school and I couldn't help but to want to tease him more. I was never like this but my hormones got the best of me and so I felt his length through his jeans one last time,he let out a moan. Then I got up ,winked at him, and made sure that I swayed my hips as I walked off the bus.

The whole school day I couldn't help but think what the heck did I just do.

Unsureजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें