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Seth and Lucas walked into my office and faced a very pissed off Rosa. My wolf, incase you forgot.

We were pacing back and forth, wrecking any furniture that dare obstruct our path.

How dare he? How dare he, a beta, insult me. I growled at the flat out disrespect. I will show him. We will show him. Damn him and damn the Silverlining Pack.

I let out another ferocious growl, which seemed to snap Seth and Lucas out of their stupor. Seth rushed over to me, speaking animatedly, but I couldn't be bothered with listening to him with all the blood rushing through my ears with my rising anger.

He reached up for my face and my paw snapped up reflexively, sending him flying across the room. He smashed into the opposite wall, Rosa crouched in a defensive position, letting out another growl, daring him to put hands on us again.

The noise however, distracted me from my haze, and I guiltily realized what I had done.

Rosa, what have you done?! That was Seth! I reprimanded my wolf for being so careless to our own pack member and Seth of all people.

Well, he should know better than to mess with an Alpha Female on a rampage. She growled out to me.

Shift! I commanded.

I blinked and in the next moment I was back to having two legs, rather than four furry paws. Upon further inspection of my body, I realized I was stark naked, once again!

Burning red with embarrassment I shifted again. Lucas took off his white shirt and turned around. I shifted back, changing into his shirt.

"You can turn around, now." I announced. "Thank you."

Lucas responded with a curt nod of his head, the pink tinge of his cheeks reminding me of my rash decisions.

I made my way over to Seth who was still unconscious by the wall. I slid down to the floor, cradling his head between my arms, while brushing his hair from his forehead.

"Seth?" I called out, hoping nothing was extremely wrong with him.

"Seth?" I called again, getting more worried.

His eyelashes fluttered and a weight eased off of my heart. I combed my fingers through his hair again, as he opened his eyes.

"Hey you." He smiled, bringing me close to tears that he could be so nice to me after what I had just done to him.

"I'm so sorry I lost control like that. It never should-" He cut me off with a kiss that made my insides float and my eyes close on their own accord. His fingers trailed down my cheeks, while my own gripped his hair. It was beautiful and poetic, and I felt so at ease, before we were interrupted by a clearing of someone's throat.

I jerked back, surprised, flinging his head back on my knee cap. I winced at the thud it made, looking at him apologetically, but he didn't meet my eyes, instead he was glaring at Lucas for the interruption.

"I apologize for the interruption, but I just wanted to know how we should proceed after today's events."

"Right, well, we... should... train?" I trailed off looking at Seth for approval.

He nodded his head. "Have the fighters meet us at the court in 15." and then turned back to me with a devilish grin. "So where were we?" I yelped as he grabbed my waist, leaning my back onto the floor.

"Still not out of the room, yet!" Lucas exclaimed causing me to yelp and collide mine and Seth's knees together, which effectively caused him to fall on top of me.

Seth swore, getting up just as the door closed, signifying Lucas' departure. He held his hand out to help me up, which I gratefully accepted, dusting my knees off. His eyes honed in on the skin I bared from my mid-thigh downwards and darkened. He took a step towards me, his jaw clenching, showing his restraint.

"Why are you wearing Lucas' shirt?" He growled out and I could tell his wolf was on the verge of making an appearance.

"I needed to shift back, would you rather me have not accepted it?"

"I would rather you not wear another man's clothing. His scent is all over you."

"Well, I needed to know if you were okay."

Seth's eyes visibly lightened as he closed the gap between us, cupping my cheek in his hand, bringing my lips back to his for another heated kiss. This one bringing the last one to shame.


"Did you guys have a sparring match of your own?" Lucas questioned, his eyes shining with humor.

I gave him a confused look, which he answered by pointing to my neck. I brought a finger up to touch where he was referring to, wincing slightly.

I looked over to Seth, who was giving Lucas a smug look, before it dawned on me.

"You gave me a hickey?!" I screamed.

Seth jumped back at my outcry, putting his hands up in surrender.

"It was an accident!"

"Accident my ass! You better sleep with one eye opened!"

"Ooh, so another sleepover tonight, eh?"

I just scowled in return before looking around. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion.


"The one and only. I thought we should open with a bit of team sports before the actual fighting because it helps us with stamina, coordination, and working as a unit."

"That's so cool!" I exclaimed, excited.

Seth's eyes gleamed at my approval and he awarded me with his smile.

"We're gonna start with some basketball, then play football, and close with volleyball, before we move on to fighting."


The score was tied at 48-49, with the other team in the lead. The ball was in our possession as I dribbled down the court, only to be cut off by Lucas and Alek, another pack member, in a half court press. I looked up to analyze the court, when Lucas' hand shot out towards the ball making me grab it, stopping my dribble. I mentally cursed myself at my stupidity. I pivoted out, so half of my body was away from them, while making sure to stay away from the half court line to avoid a backcourt violation. A clapping of hands caught my attention as I saw Seth free himself of the person guarding him. I quickly bounce passed it to him and he went up to shoot a three, but just as the ball was about to release from his hands, he was hit from behind by Alek as a last ditch effort to keep the ball in play.

The whistle was blown by one of the more mature pack members who was reffing the match and Seth was brought to the line with three shots.

He made the first one effortlessly, tying the score, but missed the second one.

We made eye contact as the ref went to retrieve the ball. I gave him a thumbs up. He smirked and raised a fist to his chest beating on it lightly, before extending it out to me. I repeated the action and his smirk evolved into a full blown smile, before the ball was checked to him. Not to sound full of myself or anything, but he definitely made the last shot because of me and that became our thing in the following sports where we totally owned the opposing team.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2016 ⏰

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