Marry Me?

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Alice's p.o.v.

On the way to wherever Eddie was taking me, the drive was silent other than the hum of the motor and the soft music playing from the radio. I noticed Eddie seemed nervous about something but I decided not to ask. When the truck finally stopped I looked out my window to see a grassy valley with thousands of colorful wildflowers scattered around. Hearing the truck door open, I watched as Eddie came around the front of the truck and opened my door before helping me out. I smiled as I held his hand and he smiled at me lovingly. Eddie covered my eyes with his hands and led me up a grassy hill making me laugh a little.

"Eddie what's going on?" I asked curious as he led me to the top of the hill.

"You'll find out soon enough darling. Okay, we're here." He said and removed his hands from my eyes. I gasped at what I found in front of me and covered my mouth smiling as Eddie wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder. 

At the top of the hill lay a small picnic with candles lighting the area and soft music playing through a radio. I was in awe at the scene before me and didn't know what to say.

"What do you think darling? Do you like it?" Eddie asked me and I turned to him smiling.

"I love it Eddie. This is amazing!" I answered and he smiled and pecked my lips.

"I'm glad you like it Darling, however the night isn't over yet." He said and sat down on the blanket with me as we began eating. When we finished I was looking at the stars that were starting to show when Eddie turned the music up a bit and stood beside me, holding his hand out. 

"Care to dance my dear?" He asked and I smiled and took his hand letting him pull me up gently and pull me close. 

As we danced I rested my head against his chest and closed my eyes as a feeling of peace and safety washed over me. We danced under the stars together for awhile before Eddie stopped and turned the music down confusing me. He stood in front of me and held my hands in his while he stared into my eyes with nothing but love and adoration.

"My dear, from the moment I met you I knew you were the one for me and though we had a bit of a rough start, I never stopped loving you. You are my world and when you were caught in that explosion I was so afraid I had lost you..."

"Eddie-" I started to say but he cut me off and I took that as a sign he wanted me to just listen right now.

"That accident made me realize that I almost lost you once, and I don't want that to happen again. My dear I want to start a family with you. Be with you for the rest of my life. So I have one question to ask..."

I watched as he got down on one knee never taking his eyes off mine and I gasped as I knew what this meant and my eyes started to water as I covered my mouth not believing what was happening. 

"Alice, Darling. Will you marry me?" He asked and I started crying as all I could do was nod and watch as he smiled and stood pulling me close. I cried into his chest as he rubbed my back and when I had finally calmed down enough, I kissed him happily.

Eddie's p.o.v.

"Alice, Darling. Will you marry me?" I asked as I stared into her eyes waiting for her answer and hoping she would say yes. 

I was a bit confused when she began crying and I frowned thinking she was going to say no until she nodded and I smiled happy as I stood up and held her close. I gently rubbed her back as she cried feeling like the happiest man alive. When she calmed down I was a bit surprised when she kisses me but I was quick to return the kiss as I cupped her cheek in my hand . When we pulled away I slipped the ring on her finger and gently wiped her eyes.

"I love you so much Darling." 

"I love you too Eddie. I always have." She said resting her head against my chest and I kissed the top of her head not wanting this moment to end but sadly it had to. 

"Let me clean up and we will go home alright darling?" I suggested and she nodded and helped me clean up before we went back to the truck and I drove us back home. On the way back, I held her hand the whole way and when we got home I carried her inside, shutting the door behind me. Seeing as it was getting late we took a shower together before getting ready for bed. 

"I can't wait to start a family with you darling. We will have a small wedding with just the two of us . Your dress is finished and waiting to be put on. I'm sure you'll look absolutely beautiful in it my dear." I said as I held her close to me in bed and she hummed happy at the thought.

"I can hardly wait myself love. A small wedding sounds perfect. I never wanted something big and crowded. I'm sure I'll love the dress. Thank you for making it." 

"I'd do anything for you my dear. Now go to sleep. We have a big day ahead of us." I said and watched as she fell asleep in my arms before kissing her temple and falling asleep myself.

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