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A/N:  Okay so the video at the top is the one that goes with this chapter but I had to put this one because I nearly died the moment it started.  It's the exact same song but if you've played or watched someone play outlast you'll agree that the video does not go with the song and that it's funny.  Also I'm sorry if Eddie is out of character at all,  I'll try my best. 

Alice's p.o.v.

What did he mean by bride?  And why does that name sound so familiar?  I thought and grew irritated with all of the questions I had no answers to. As I looked at my surroundings I found myself in a room I had never seen before.  It was filled with sewing supplies and I smiled softly as I was brought back to my grandmother's shop. Going up to a table,  I ran my hand across an old sewing machine and smiled remembering how my grandmother had one similar to this that she would use to fix or make clothes,  blankets,  and other things. She had even taught me how to sew using it or by hand and I had fallen in love with sewing.

Returning to reality,  I limped to another room and heard music playing making me smile until I turned the corner and found a horrifying sight.  There was a man's mutilated body positioned on a bloody table to mock the moment a woman give birth.  His chest had been cut open and stuffed with something to ggive him the appearance of having breasts and he had be castrated as well. 

Tearing my eyes from the horrid display in front of me,  I covered my mouth feeling the urge to vomit.  I quickly picked up another battery before limping out of the room and soon came across a set of doors. I tried opening them only to find they were locked and sighed disappointed. Looking up at the window in the door,  I jumped seeing a man that wasn't there before. 

"Darling! " He exclaimed looking at me with a wide grin and I took a moment to study him. He had black slicked back hair that had been shaved on either side of his head and what looked to be a rash or a severe burn on the left side of his face.  His eyes were an icy blue and a vein had burst in his left eye turning it red while his other eye was bloodshot. 

He wore a white button up shirt with a vest that seemed to be sewn together with different pieces of fabric,  and a blue bowtie. We stood there staring at each other for a minute before I pressed my hand to the glass where his was as I realised who this was. 

"Eddie... Oh god what have they done? " I asked but didn't receive an answer as he turned and walked away.  I had met Eddie when I was a nurse and he was the only person I didn't have a problem with being around.  Then one day he just disappeared and I never knew why but now I do.  

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Eddie on the other side of the room. 

"Did I frighten you?  I'm awfully sorry. I didn't mean to" He apologized and i looked around not sure if I should trust him or hide. 

"We've met before haven't we?  I know I've seen your face" He said as he started making his way to me. 

"We have Eddie,  it's me Alice. " I called but he didn't seem to hear me.  Curse my quiet voice. 

"Maybe... Just before I woke up?  Though it seems like a dream now,  being here with you. " He said and I knew he was getting closer as his voice grew louder. Part of me wanted to run up to him and hug him because I had missed him so much,  while the other wanted to run and hide.  I wasn't sure what to do and the amount of blood I had lost was not helping my confused mind make a decision. 

"Let me fill you up.  You don't have to be alone anymore. You could make me whole,  I could fill that emptiness inside you. " He said  and I fell to my knees not acknowledging the pain from my leg as I hit the floor.   The way he said it  held so much promise I didn't know what to do anymore.  I sat there as he got closer with my head down thinking about what he said.  

Darling (Eddie Gluskin x oc Alice)Where stories live. Discover now