Right Now

911 27 15


I pick up my phone as it goes off. " Hello Sunshine. " And this soft heavenly voice draws a smile on my face.

-"Good morning mum."
-"Good morning dear. How are you?"
-" I'm good mum. What about you? And how are the girls??"
-" Oh we all are fine. But Saffa is angry with you."

I rise my eyebrow. What? Princess is angry with me? How can this possible? She never gets angry with me.

-" Are you serious about it mum?"
-" Wait. Ask her."

After a moment Saffa voice reaches my ears.

-" I don't want to talk to you."
-" But princess what I did?"
-" You don't even know what you did?"

This makes me even more confused. And at that moment I see Hazz is coming down scratching his back of neck and he is looking so cute.

I wave at him from the kitchen table. He walks towards me, " Good Morning Zee. Whom are you talking to?"

-" Is that Harry over there?" Saffa questions me. I nod.
-" Zap again you are doing that. I can't hear your nods."

I smiles sheepishly. She knows me very well.

-" Yea it's Harry. You wanna talk?" But before Saffa can answer Hazz snatches the phone from my hand and sits on the kitchen counter.

-" Hello sweetheart, good morning."

I guess she is super excited cause I can hear her voice from a distance.

-" Good Morning Harry. How are you?"
-" I'm ok princess. What about you?"
-" I'm good too. I miss you Harry. It's been a long time I last saw you."
-" Soon princess soon. We'll meet soon."
-" Yay! I'm excited to see you. But only you not my brother."

Hazz rises his eyebrow and give me a look. "Zee what you did? Why is princess angry with you?"

"I was trying to find the reason before you snatched the phone from me."

-" No Harry don't give him the phone. I don't wanna talk with him. He didn't call us since he went there."
-" As you wish my princess."

And Hazz hops down from the counter and starts walking towards the drawing room. I grab his hand and pull him towards me. He moves circlely and collides with my body. He put his hand on my neck and gives me a smirk.

-" Princess I promise you he will call you seen but now we have to go caz we have some work." And his cheek flushes a bright red shade.

-" He better be. Bye Harry."
-" Bye Saffa"

And he hangs up the call. " She is angry with you cause you didn't call her." I faceplum. "Oh shit." He turns and sits on my lap. "It's ok don't be sad just call her later today. But before that we have some work to do."

"And what is that?" And I hug him from behind and burries  my face in his back. He smiles polity. "We have to check the Instagram. We need our fans opinion."

"Yea. It matters the most now." And we both move into the  couch. I take the right corner and Hazz takes the left one. He takes a deep breath and pull out his phone.

-" Hazz don't you think you are too much away from me."  - "What?" I point towards the empty space of the couch. "Just come here." I stretch my hand. He blushes a little and moves into my arms.

He unlocks his phone. "Hold you breath Zee."

As soon as he connects the mobile data and the phone keeps vibrating constantly. He put his phone on the belly and look up. I kiss his forehead, " Everything is gonna be fine."

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