Spaces Between Us

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"Lou what do you mean you guys can't come over tomorrow? You promised me last week. Not fair." I pout. On the other end of the phone Louis chuckles. "We are out of the town Hazza. So can we come to your house tomorrow? Try to understand. I promise that we will come the day after tomorrow. And this time I mean it."

Though I'm mad at him, I answer,"Ok. But if you break your promise this time I'll really kill you. Seriously." He laughs loudly.

Then suddenly the my green room's door opens and Robert's head pops out. "Harry, you show will start in 10 minutes."--"Ok I'm coming." I stand up and start walking towards the door. "Lou I've to go. It's my show time. See ya soon."--" Ok bye Hazza."

I'm just about to cut the phone when I remember something. "Oh Lou, talking about you guys are not in town, where are you?" Louis coughs a little. "Umm we,we are in London. Ac-actually Daisy's health is not going well. So we decide to take her to London. And Liam accompanies me. That's it."--" Oh! Ok I'll call ya later." I hang up the phone. I don't know why I'm not satisfy with Lou's answer. I leave the room and proceed towards the stage.

Suddenly the a pair of hand cover my eyes. That person asks in a bubbly voice "Guess how?" I smile a little. "Ken,why you always use this trick? This one is old and I'm use to with this."--"You are no fun." Kendell pouts. I smirk a little. "You know very well Ken if I'm fun or not. But what are you doing here?" Kendell smiles. "Nothing just wanna see my best friend. So I come here."--" Ok. But I'll meet you after the concert." I wave at her. She goes towards the V.I.P box.

As I steep in to stage, the girls start the screaming loudly. A huge grain appear in my lips. I walk towars the mick and scream "Hellow my beautiful people. Glad to see you." A wave of "Harry we love you" flows all over the area. I love my fans so much.

 I love my fans so much

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I starts my singing with my famous song "Kiwi". As the show goes on, I really enjoy it. But in deep of my though I'm still thinking about Louis's behavior. I don't know why they all acting weirdly after the meet up. It's really odd.

After singing "Sweet Creature"and "Two ghosts". It's time for some of my old songs. I mean One Direction's. I starts with "Story of my life". The crowd starts to wave and sing with me. I love this thing. They still remember the lyrics of our old songs.

Usually I sang "If I colud fly" after this. But today I feel something deferent. So I starts the sing "Spaces".

I look over the V.I.P. box and see Kendall's eyes are about to pop out. I know it's a socke for her. After leaving 1D I never sing this song.

This song reminds me so much of him. The person how use to be my best friend. The person how understood me very well. And the person how pretend he don't know me now a days.

I feel tears forming in my eyes. I pretend to be cool and finish the song. I announces it's the end of the show. As I left the stage I stars running towars my green room. I open the door and slammes it behind me. I fall on my knees and starts crying hardly.

I here the door opens once and closes. Kendell run towards me and hugs me very tightly. " Why did you sing that song Hazza?"--"I don't know Ken. I just miss him today. Why I don't know. That's why I sang that song." I sniffe a little.

Kendell take a deep breathe. "Hazza you alweys miss him. Why don't you just call him and make up. Two years passed. But you are still behaving like a child." I give her a look. "He also nevers calls me."--" What did you say? He never calls you? Are you kidding me Harold? After leaving the band he called you for months and you never answered them." I put my head down. "Shut up Ken."--" Yea,yea. Everyone knows truth hurts the most."

"But seriously Hazza,why don't you call him? Try once." I take a deep breathe. "I can't Kendell. There will be to much complications between us. You read what he said in GQ's interview, right? How can I suppose to call him after that?"--"C'mon dude. You know that it's not true. Then why?"

We here a knock on the door and someone says form the outside "Harry your fans are here for the meet up. Please come as soon as possible."

I stand up. Kendell mumbles, "Harry pleas...." But I cut her off. "No Kendell. I can't do this. There are too much distance between us. And I don't think I can cover it by myself." I leave the room and close the door behind me.



     This the third chapter of the story. Please give me you feedback. Thank you.

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