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"What the fuck is going on?" Nathaniel yelled.

I didn't hear him come in, I was caught up with Harper.

Nathaniel stood in front of us, and he was steaming mad. Harper was chill though.

"I like her, I kissed her." Harper said, holding my hand. That seemed to make Nathaniel even angrier.

Why is he so upset anyway, he was the one treating me like shit.

"You know what?" Nathaniel asked, suddenly calm. "You like her so much Harper? Well she's your problem now. Get your shit and get the fuck out of my house."

I looked at him, where was I going to go? I guess Harper knew what I was thinking, because he whispered that I could stay with him.

"Get out. I'll get your shit for you." Nathaniel let the door hit us on the way out.

"You and Isaiah can stay with me. I'm sorry for his behavior, that was unacceptable." Harper said once we got in his Ferrari.

"It's not your fault. I'm sorry if I came between your friendship though."

Harper laughed. "Trust me it wasn't much of a friendship."

The next 4 months with Harper were everything. Harper treated me well, I didn't have to deal with The Devil and it was really nice. Harper went to work, I dropped Isaiah off at school, then went to the local community college for class. I didn't have to worry if Harper was going to be kind or evil because Harper was a genuinely cool guy. Everything was going great, but three things bothered me. The first thing was Isaiah doesn't really like Harper. Nathaniel and Isaiah were like best friends, so I guess he had to warm up to Harper. The second thing was, Harper hasn't introduced me to his friends. We've been dating for 4 months, and I haven't met one yet. He always laughs it off and say that it's because I'm pretty, and he doesn't want his pals to try to steal me away from him. I just put it out of my mind though, cause everything was going so well. The final thing was, even though Harper was nice. sweet and attractive, I didn't really feel anything. It was kind of like, I was kissing a friend, not a boyfriend.

Today was rainy and gray. Harper was out of town on business and something told me to just stay home. I had just dropped Isaiah off at school and was making my way too my classes when my Saab broke down. My car literally just turned off and refused to start again. I sighed and called a tow truck.

The greasy fat bald guy came quickly and let me ride with him to the shop. "Ma'am, your engine died. We can either get you a new one or scrap the car. Either way, your total will be $3,695.88" He finished.

I seriously needed to think.

"Oh, and do you have a ride, we're about to close for the rest of the day."

Seriously? I don't have any friends and Harper isn't here. Oh Lord Jesus Christ why are you doing this to me today? I would walk home, but it was pouring. I took a deep breath and called the only other person I knew.

I thought he would've cursed me out or told me to fuck myself, but instead he came and paid for it.

Nathaniel is being kind. We were in his Bentley, going home silently, when he finally spoke up.

"Do you love him, Imani?" He asked quietly.

I shrugged. "I don't know."

The rest of the drive was quiet. We pulled up to Harper's condo, I thanked Nathaniel and started to get out when he grabbed my arm and kissed me hard. I swear fireworks started, but but I pushed off of him.

"I'm dating your best friend. You can't just kiss me. That was wrong and you know it. Thanks for every thing today, and I'll pay you back, but don't do that anymore." I yelled at him as I got out.

Nathaniel just shrugged and drove off.

I got in and took a got shower, trying to forget about the best kiss I've ever had. I started singing to take my mind off of Nathaniel. The shower was the only place where I felt comfortable enough to belt out songs anyway. After 3 songs, I got out, dried off and put on lotion. Since I was alone, I didn't even bother putting on clothes, just a bra and panties. I was hungry so I went to the kitchen to make a snack and almost had a heart attack. Nathaniel was sitting on a chair in the dining room.

He walked over and kissed me again, picking me up and pushing me against the wall.

"Harper." I said between kisses.

"Isn't here for another week. Isaiah?"

"Overnight field trip." I said while taking off his shirt.

Oooh this feels so good, but it's so wrong, but it feels soooooooo right. I thought as Nathaniel carried me into Harper's bedroom.

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