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I went to my house after that argument with Imani, I needed to be alone with my thoughts.

Imani was right, I wasn't anything but an insecure jerk in a position power. She didn't even really know me, yet she saw through the masks and facades. Imani spoke her mind, I liked that about her. She was really pretty too, that didn't hurt.

Do not start, Nathaniel, females are all the same. Money hungry whores.

I shook the thoughts of Imani out of my mind, changed into a Nike free run outfit, and went out for a run. After a 3 mile run, I came home with a clear head.

I was ready in no time. Black suit, basic, but we were only going to a banquet.

It was only 5:30. Sighing, I made my way to my kitchen, draped my jacket over a chair, and took out something to make.

An hour later, two pans of stuffed chicken marsala and mashed potatoes sat in front of me. I made myself a plate, put some in Tupperware, and put the rest in the refrigerator, along with all the other forgotten leftovers. I grabbed my jacket, and went to get Imani.

The babysitter answered the door when I rang her bell. Her little brother looked really excited to see me.

"Hey Isaiah, I bought you dinner." I handed him the food.

"Thanks Nathan. Did you bring the comic ?" He asked.

Damn I knew I forgot something.

"I forgot it, I'm sorry."

Isaiah looked really disappointed, he told me how much he loves comic books.

"But I promise I'll be by later this week, and I'll bring the X-Men comic, okay?"

Isaiah looked happy with that.

"You ready?" Imani said with attitude.

I nodded.

"Okay Zay, no t.v. past 8, take your shower, be in bed by 8:30, okay?" Imani instructed him. "I love you Zay."

"I love you Imani. Bye Nathan !" Isaiah called after us while we walked out.

When we pulled up , Imani tried to open her door before I grabbed her arm.

"First, don't ever try and open your own door when you're with me..."

"Get off of me, Nathaniel. I already can't stand you.." She started rambling .

"I'm sorry, okay."

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