Chapter 15 part 1

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This wasn’t happening. It couldn’t. Sophie was here. As in right here. Oh my god.

I continued our set, never unlocking our eye contact for more than necessary. The boys had noticed them and remembered Sophie and were always pointing and waving to them. I couldn’t do anything but stare at Sophie.

Cupid or whoever is in charge of making people fall in love must be very bored. I met this girl, got a crush on her, lost her, tried to find her, gave up and now BAM here she is.

One more song and then we had an interval; I would have to talk to her then. I couldn’t just wait around backstage getting hit on by that annoying Caroline chick knowing she was in the next room.


I couldn’t stop staring at him, just, Ahhhh!

He looked so different; he wasn’t just the amazing Harry Styles who I had posters off covering my walls, he was also that cute, funny guy who helped a poor broken-legged girl.

The same girl who happened to develop feelings for him in their random encounter.

As Josh Devine hit the last few beats of Tell Me A Lie and the boys began to run off stage, Harry looked at me and motioned drinking. What?

“Sophie what are you doing!?” Sara cried excitedly

“Huh? What do you mean?” I said, still half in shock and confused by what all the fuss was about. Harry was thirsty, who wouldn’t be?

“Oh my god you idiot, GO OVER TO THE DRINK STAND!!!” Laura half laughed at me

Everyone was still huddled around the stage so they didn’t lose their spots and the refreshments table was deserted.

We all scurried over and poured ourselves some drinks as we leant against the table, chatting about what everyone was wearing, waving excitedly to some of our friends who were really close to the stage, none of us were too sure of what we were waiting for.

Ten minutes had passed and nothing had happened

“I told you he wasn’t coming guys, he was just thirsty” I said, the disappointment clear in my voice

“Why would he want to tell you he was going to have a drink” Amy said sceptically

“I don’t know! Maybe he was trying to tell me not to wait around for him because he was going to get a drink instead of talking to me!” I said exasperated

“I’m sure that’s not it” Brooke said

“Why on earth would he even want to talk to me! I’m just some fan! He doesn’t give a shit about me! Just because he remembered me doesn’t mean he wants to talk to me or anything!” I almost yelled

They all looked stunned and a little pitiful before their eyes widened and Laura squealed a little bit.

I furrowed my eyebrows at them before turning around and meeting eyes with a blonde haired boy with a cheeky smile with his head poking out a side door next to the drinks table.

“Nialler!” I cheered

“Quick Soph, come ‘ere” he said quickly, grabbing my arm and pulling me through the door before I could say anything to the girls

The cold air hit me as Niall took off to the back of the building, I quickly caught up to him

“What the hell is going on Niall! I surprised to even remember me, where are we going?”

He looked across at me with a surprised look, “Of course we remember you! Harry was crushed when you left, He wanted to go and find you but got cornered by that Caroline chick and sent me to get you”

“She’s been boasting about how she is going to hook up with Harry” I grimaced as we rounded a corner to the outside courtyard. Niall just scoffed “Ew that’s definitely not going to happen”

There were a few security men around and the boys and the band were all lazing around recovering from the first set

“SOPHIE!” I heard Louis squeal in a girly voice as he and Zayn tackled me to the ground

They helped me up grinning as Liam came over for a hug.

I looked around for Harry and saw him as he said something to Caroline quickly before pushing past her and coming towards me. I couldn’t help notice the shock on her face and then anger as she saw who I was.

Harry came up and looked at me, we were both kind of stunned and he was still obviously recovering from seeing me here.

“Sophie” he breathed before closing the gap between us and picking me up in a hug.

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