Chapter 8

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She was gone.

Pulled away from me at the last second.


Louis and the boys came back and jumped on me


“Harry’s got a girlfriend! Harry’s got a girlfriend!” Liam and Niall chanted together

“Harry and Sophie sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” Louis sang making kissing noises in my ear

I just sat quiet. I didn’t want to tell them she had gone forever.

Louis looked at me curiously and then yelled “Wait!”

When the ‘Harrys gonna get some booty’ dance didn’t stop, Louis tried a different approach


Everyone fell silent and looked at him like he had grown a horn out of his arse

“You did get her number right?” he asked slowly

I just groaned and put my head in my hands

“What the hell man!” Liam cried

“I was about to!” I moaned “but her mum came in all frantic and pulled her away before I could even say goodbye” I finished sadly

“So you have no way of contacting her?” Zayn asked

I nodded. I was really depressed.

“Oh well, you win some you lose some! She was just a girl, right?” Niall chirped, always the optimist.

“yeah, I guess” I mumbled

I knew it wasn’t true.


The car ride to and from the hospital was awful. I had yelled at mum for not letting me say goodbye. I knew she felt bad. She knew how much those boys meant to me.

I hobbled into my bedroom on my crutches with my newly plastered cast. Luckily my leg had only been fractured and I should be fine in one and a half weeks.

I flopped onto my bed and grabbed my laptop. As I logged onto face book I saw I had 36 notifications.

That was odd

I clicked onto my wall and saw a flood of posts from Brooke, Laura, Sara and Amy screaming at me to ask me if I was ok, if I made it home, where I went, did I get kidnapped and one post from Brooke of a funny cat clip from YouTube

Classic Brooke

I clicked on to our shared messenger page and typed a simple: hi

Immediately I was bombarded questions.

I ignored them and just started to explain. I wrote:

‘Guys shut up 4 a sec! I got separated from you in the crush and got knocked to the ground and trampled. I managed to get up and run to the closest building and up some stairs. Then my leg started really hurting and I found out that I lost my phone.’

I hit send and read their replies of ‘what did you do?’ and ‘is your leg ok?’

I just continued:

‘I started crying coz i’m a pansy like that, and then… Wait for it!….’

I paused for suspense. Gosh I am a brilliant story teller.


I waited for their reaction.

‘good one soph’

‘what actually happened’

‘I thought you were being serious!’

They didn’t believe me!

 Poo heads.

‘I have proof idiots’

I typed and sent them the pictures I took with the boys

‘OMG’ from Sara

‘WHAT THE FUCK!’ from Brooke

‘hdjdudbdjnxjsndhjsgd’ from Amy

‘Woo Soph! Tap dat!’ from Laura

We had a massive fan girl sesh before I told them the rest of the story. How I hung out with the boys. How my leg was broken. And sadly how Harry asked for my number but I was kidnapped by my own mother before I could give it to him.

I quickly uploaded the photos to my wall. Everyone at school is going to flip when they see these. Especially Caroline, I wish I could see the look on her face. 

I also had a friend request

Someone’s popular!

It was some creep with no mutual friends called Barry Cox. I don’t add randoms so I clicked ignore and shut down my laptop.


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