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 "Look at who it is" exclaimed a snobby excuse for a football player. The other boy next to him snickered while replying, "The oh so 'queen bee'". Heather's blood was boiling, she didn't have time to deal with this shit. Her main goal is to find Duke and give her a taste of her own medicine. As usual Chandler shoved the two boys out of the way but her wrist was quickly yanked by Kurt. "Let me go" Heather spat out, anger lacing in her words. In a unbelievable 'sweet' voice, Ram replied, "Or what? You're gonna cry?". Heather smiled and kicked him in the knee with her cherry red high heels. Kurt had a rapid reaction and slammed her against someone's locker. Heather laughed, "Is that all you got?". By now people started to circle around the three, not caring if their late to class. Heather glanced at Ram, only to see him on the floor holding his knee. Honestly, who can blame him? Heels hurt.


Just a little update, imma try to write more often

/discontinued/ Heather Chandler x Depressed female readerWhere stories live. Discover now