Ch. 23: Twins Can Relate

Start from the beginning

"We don't want you to make decisions like that."

"Well guess what? my best friend goes to parties all the time and gets drunk with her boyfriend that smokes weed." I dramatically said.

"WHAT!?" they both said together.

"Why can't you guys just accept my decisions!?"

"Because we are your parents!"

"Ugh" I said, going upstairs to Lucy.

Damn, I can't remember the last time they didn't yell at me.

I knocked on the door and heard Lucy say come in.

I slowly walked into the room.

"Love life issues?" she asked.

"Kinda" I laughed.

"They never shut up about who to like and who to not. They basically control my whole life"

"You lived with this for 16 years?"



"I actually had a boyfriend for 2 years, I just never told them because they judge them by what you tell them."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm dating a guy that has like 36 tattoos."

"Okay.. so?"

"Mom and dad will judge him just like that."

"By saying what?"

"That he does drugs and he's bad for me."

"That's so fucking stupid!"

"Exactly. I can't even hang out with him that much because mom and dad literally watch me 24/7. If I say I'm coming home late from school, they'll ask me where and who I'm with. If I lie, they somehow know."

"Damn. So that means I can't hang out with my best friend!?"

"Why not?"

"Basically... I explained her to mom and dad and they flipped."

"What did you say?"

"my best friend goes to parties all the time and gets drunk with her boyfriend that smokes weed"

"You shouldn't have said that" she laughed.

"I know! But she's such a good friend. I just wish that mom and dad respect my decisions"

"You don't know how many times I wanted to move out! I wanted to get away from them so bad! you're lucky you didn't have to live with them for 16 years straight."

"I used to think to myself, if I ever seen mom and dad ever again for even just a second, I'd be so happy. I would want to tell them everything but now, I don't know."

"If mom and dad let me leave the house, trust me, I'd never go back."

"Are they really that bad?"



"By the way... I heard you broke up with your boyfriend."


"Who was he?"


"Oh... that's why mom and dad are judging"

"I thought I could give him a chance, but I guess not"

"I feel so sorry for you"

"You're the only one that gets me" I laughed.

"We are twins" she smiled.

"Best sister ever"

"I miss talking about stupid things with you"

"When was the last time I ever saw you anyways?"

"When we were 5. I still remember that you were mad at your friend for taking your food during lunch at school. You were so cute"

"I don't remember that"

"It's okay. I'm just glad I can talk to you about my problems. I'm really happy that you listen"

"Of course! they're interesting" I laughed.

"Yeah but mom and dad don't care about my problems, they just control my life"

"I really want you to meet my best friend, I swear, she's awesome."

"But we can't leave"

"I don't give a fuck. I'm climbing out the window"


"C'mon!" I said opening the window and sticking my foot out onto the ledge.

"If I get caught I'm blaming it on you" she laughed.

"I don't really care. If they yell at me, who cares it's not like their gonna kill me or something."

"Can't believe I'm actually doing this"


I helped her down the ledge and quickly ran to Karson's house.

"Wow, she has a big house..." Lucy said.

"Yep. Has a huge pool at the back. And, her parents own a Ferrari"

"Fuck I wanna be her"

"Let's go" I laughed.

I knocked on her door and Karson swung it open.

"Hey... who's that?" Karson asked.

"This is my twin sister, Lucy"

"Hey!" Lucy waved.

"Oh... she looks nothing like you" Karson whispered.

"Yeah we're fraternal twins"

"Oh... come in" Karson said.

We both walked in.

"So, why are you guys here?"

"To get away from our parents" Lucy said.


"'Cause they are annoying as fuck"


"They control Lucy's life and I'm not letting them control my life. We can't leave the house without permission so we snuck out."

"Why didn't you just tell them?"

"'Cause they would never let us hang out with you"

"What's wrong with me?"

"They judge you 'cause you go to parities and stuff"

"So what if I go to parties?"

"And that you smoke weed with Luke"

"It's my life..."

"They think you people are 'bad influences'."

"Um... I'm not forcing you to smoke weed? I'm not telling you to kill someone? how am I a bad influence?"

"That's exactly why I wanna leave them" Lucy said, rolling her eyes.

"So what? your still gonna be my best friend right?" she laughed.

"Of course! I'm not gonna let them choose my friends for me"

"I would run away from home too." She nodded.

"I fucking know right"

"My parents are in Australia for like 2 weeks.... wanna sleep over?"

"I would love to, it's just I'm pretty sure my parents will notice if I'm gone for nights."

"Who cares" Lucy said.

"At lease go home first" I said.


"Okay, see ya" Karson said.

"See ya"

"Just saying... mom and dad are gonna kill us" Lucy pointed out.


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