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So I just found this out today and this is really sad. Wattpad is now deleting profiles that do fit the regulations and Larry_Lashton was one of them. So a few of my stories that I put in this recommendation book is now gone because of this. I am so upset about this because they didn't go against any of this. If anyone has any record of her stories, message her on Instagram. I'm gonna try my best to see if I'm still able to get into the stories. Here's her post she posted on Instagram if anyone is confused.

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Hopefully this clears some confusion with Nudes not being available anymore

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Hopefully this clears some confusion with Nudes not being available anymore. Extremely sorry for anyone who wanted to read it.

Her new account on here is now babylacetae so go give her a follow and try to help her out with the stories.

Also, if you are a author on here who writes Mature content, make sure you save your stories elsewhere to help prevent this happing to someone else.

Thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2018 ⏰

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