Entry 2

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Dear diary,

I tell myself I'm not worth it, that I don't deserve it and somehow, for some reason he is the trigger. I don't quiet know why, but it always starts with him. He's what's on my mind before I spiral down. I act the same, if not I act a lot more 'happier', but I think I'm a bit more reclusive. I tend to seclude myself in my room or just go on random drives by myself to think and cry it out.

I tend to start craving alcohol more. I'm at my lowest and I think about just ending it. No one around me knows at all and that makes me a lot more upset. 

Eventually I pick myself up... Thats just the cycle I go through, the cycle I live. I die a little everyday, but no one notices and I lie to myself that I'm okay with it


I know this chapter/journal entry is short, but bear with me! All will be revealed later on :)

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