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It's dark, but I can hear muffled voices. I feel hot but cold at the same time. Almost like the feeling you get when you go inside after being in the snow for a long time. It almost burns and I wish I had something warmer to wear. I shiver and slowly open my eyes. The lights in the room are almost blinding and I have to instantly close them again. There is a gasp to my right and what sounds like rushed shouting, though it still sounds muffled so I can't make anything out. It almost sounds as if I am under water. Where am I?

I slowly try to open my eyes again and this time succeed. The first thing that greets me is an almost familiar face. It is a boy with blonde hair. He looks worried. Is he okay? I open my mouth ready to ask. But he shushes me.

"Everything is going to be alright, Harry. You are safe now." A look of confusion takes over my face. Harry? Is that my name? Why can't I remember? A throbbing in my neck makes me hiss in pain. Images begin to flood my mind of a man with black hair and glowing red eyes. My master.

Where is he? My eyes frantically dart around the room at the unknown faces. I don't see him anywhere. Where is my master?! My breathing picks up and I can feel myself panicking even more. I have to get out of here. I have to find him. Where is he? I sit up quickly, pushing the blonde away from me in the process. The pain in my neck gets worse as something around my throat digs into it. I lift my hands to what seems to be a collar and some bandages beneath it. The people around me panic as I try to pull at the bandages. I need them off. They are hurting me.

A pair of hands grab my wrists and jerk them away. I look back up at the blonde in front of me. Why is he doing this? They hurt. The bandages hurt. I try to pull my arms from his grasp but he won't let go. My ears pin to my head and my tail begins to thrash behind me. A loud, animalistic whine leaves my lips.

"Pleeease... it hurts. Let g-go. It hurts. Please. Let go let go let go. IT HURTS!" I screamed and thrash as a few of the others come over to push me down by my shoulders. I can feel as my canines extend and my eyes water at the pain. My words become slurred and I can feel every time I accidentally bite myself, warm blood flooding my mouth from my lips and tongue and running down my chin. At this point, I've gone back to making loud snarling sounds and hissing. At the foot of the bed, an old man with a graying beard raises his wand.

"Incarcerous!" Before I can even tell what is happening, thin cords come up and pull my body to the bed, giving me no room to move. I let out a whine of discomfort at the feeling of my tail being smushed beneath and the burning in my neck intensifies. After making sure I am immobilized, everyone takes a step back from the bed. The blonde hesitates for a moment longer than the others, but eventually steps back as well. "Now," my attention immediately lands back on the old man and I let out a growl, "Are you going to stay calm while we clean you? Or do we need to sedate you as well?" My growling ceases and I close my mouth. I don't want to be unconscious around them again. Who knows what they might do to me? "Good. Now, Would you mind fetching the nurse, Miss Granger?"

Movement to my left instantly catches my eye and I watch intently as a bushy haired girl quickly leaves the room. The blonde to my right shifts and I jerk my head in his direction. A flash of pain escapes the mark on my neck and I hiss softly. He stops moving and stares down at me. A soft, sad look in his eyes. I don't know why, but I don't like that look on his face. A small pang in my chest has me letting out another whine. What is going on?

A few minutes of silence pass before the girl comes back with a lady behind her. The lady stops at the doorway and stares at me for a moment before nodding to herself and gathering things around the room.

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