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AN: Sorry it's been taking me so long to update. I know I say that a lot but I really don't mean to take so long. See, I haven't had minutes for my phone in a while so I couldn't update using that. And now I don't even have a phone. See I kind of got mad at my brother 'cause we got into a huge argument and he wanted to say "You don't even know what's going on because you ALWAYS have your nose in your phone!" Yeah.... So what happened next was I got mad and like an idiot I.... Threw.... My phone. BUT it just so happens that I got a tablet for Christmas so we're all good. Kind of. And someone I know just gave me an extra that they had so YAY!
Anywhore, on with the story!!


"Wait. If you've been here, then who's been messing with Harry?" I quickly look over to Weasel, my eyes narrowing.

"What do you mean, 'Who's been messing with Harry'?" I ask, sceptically, slowly sitting up. I hiss a little at the pain of moving after so long of lying in the same position. He begins to ring his hands, nervously. By now, Madam Pomfrey has already left to put away the empty potion bottles and trash from cleaning Potter's arms.

"W-well, you see, since the end of the trywizard tournament, someone's been tormenting Harry. He said it was you. But I guess someones been using a poly juice potion, considering you've been here all this time." he rases his hands, gesturing to me sitting in the bed.

"Well,great. Just great. Not only do I have to deal with these stupid wings. But now there is someone prancing around, dressed as me." I throw my hands up in the air. We're pulled from our conversation when we hear the doors being open. We all turn our heads to the door. In comes Madam Pomfrey.

"Well, I came to let you all know that dinner has started and I'm sure Mr. Malfoy would like to eat. So if you two will just hurry along to the great hall." She guides Granger and Weasely out the door and then turns to me. "Would you like me to call the house elves for your dinner, dear? You must be starving." I shake my head.

"No thank you. I'm not very hungry." I answer, trying to slowly lay back on my side so I can go to sleep.

"Okay, if you need anything, just yell." And with that, she walked away, exiting through the door to her office. I place my head on the plush pillow, and instantly fall asleep.

AN: Okay so this was pretty much a filler chapter but TRUST ME the next chapter is going to be my longest one yet.

Voldimort: *looks to Sirius* Why so serious?

Serious: Why so nosey?

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