Ch:12 Flashback

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>3rd person<

The wind blows a soft breeze through the meadow as two ladies sit upon a picnic blanket, eating and talking of some of the latest gossip.

"Did you hear about James and Lily?" One asks, pulling back some of her blond and brown hair. The lady to her right pauses a moment.

"No... What about them?" the woman with black hair gives a questioning look and sets down her muffin, in favor of drinking from her own teacup.

"They seem to be engaged." Narcissa glances to her sister whom nearly chokes on her tea in surprise. She sets the cup down, picking up a neatly folded napkin and wiping off her mouth. She clears her throught. "Belatrix? Are you alright?" She gives a small nod.

"Just surprised is all. When is the wedding?"

"I believe they are to be Wed in just a mounth. I find it to be a short time really. Though they have known each other for a grate time..." Narcissa reaches for a small peace of teacake and takes a generous bite. "So, how long before the baby is due?" she gives a curious smile to her sister. Belatrix grins and places a hand on her round stomach.

"Only four weeks. This littles guy sure is a handful already... I can't imagine how hard it will be to raise the little one."

"Have you thought of any names?"

"Well... At first I was going to name him after his father. Although, I also quite like the name Johnathan... What do you think?" there is a moments pause before Narcissa gives her sister another smile.

"I quite like the name Johnathan as well." she finishes off her cake and goes to stand. "I wish to take a walk, care to goin me?" with a small nod, Narcissa helps her sister stand and summons a house elf, instructing her to clean the picnic up. And with that, they start down the small garden path behind Malfoy Manner. As the two women walk side by side Belatrix looks curiously to Narcissa.

"So... How is Lucius?"

Meanwhile: in Malfoy Manor

Lucius Malfoy stalks back and forth, deep in thought. 'What should I do? He could be here any minute... I'm glad I could get Cissa out of the house... I'm sure she would be disappointed in me if she found out what I was doing...' His thoughts are cut short when there is a large green flame in the nearby fireplace as a cloaked figure steps out.

"Lucius, you wished to speak with me?" Lucius jumps slightly and whorls around to see him.

"T-Tom. Think you for coming... Would you please come sit. I wish to speak to you a-about... James and Lily..." Tom raises a brow, not that it can be seen, and takes a seat in a large green armchair. He continues to pace back and forth in front of him.

"It appears that James and Lily are to be wed within a months time..."

"Yes I am quite aware... Now what is it you need?"

"We are all aware of the prophesy..." he closes his eyes and let's out a sigh, "in exchange for this information... I wish for the absolut protection for Narcissa and I." there is a pause of thought as Tom rubs his chin in thought.

"Hmmm... Very well. However, you cross me and I will be sure to make your last breathes agonizingly painful. Am I clear?" There is a dark magic orra that fills the room and Lucius gives a fearful nod. "Continue..."

"I was at the Ministery two days ago, I overheard a few of the aurors talking of the proffesy... Tom... The Potters... If they have a son, he is the key to your downfall..." There is a long moment of silence and hesitantly, Lucius steps forward. "Tom?" After another moment, laughter takes over the room, making Lucius jump slightly. When he is finished with his laughter, he stands, raising both hands to the hood of his cloak. Slowly, he pulls the hood back, revealing his face. With a gasp, Lucias takes a step back at the vastly sight. "T-Tomas... What happened?" a grins spreads across the man's face.

"Oh this?" he gestures to his face, "Only a side effect of working with the dark arts..." he paces grounds a fearfull looking Lucias. "What is the matter old friend? Is there something wrong? Why do you seem to cower before me?" he asks mockingly, already knowing the answer.

"N-nothing... is w-wrong... Its just, your new look..." Another chuckle escapes grey lips.

"Intimidating is it? Perfect! That is what I was hoping for." he goes to stand before Lucius once more. "I have been thinking dear friend.... I believe I might change my name... Something to strike fear through the hearts of all who hear. Something that no one will wish to speak it.... Voldamort." Lucius nods in agreement, too afraid to disagree with the new dark lord. This gains a smile and a reassuring clasp on he shoulder. "Lucius, if you stay loyal to me, there will be no reason to fear me. Understood?" Lucius gives a faint smile to his old friend.

"Of course."

AN: Hey guys! I know this is kinda short but I thought this would be a great way to answer questions about the past without just flat out telling you, and instead showing you what happened. Tell me what you think.

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