Ch:6 The Dream

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As I open my eyes, I find myself lying on the ground. Standing up, I slowly look around, taking in my surroundings. From what I can tell, I'm at the edge of the forbidden forest. I know exactly where I am. This is our meeting place. Taking in a deep breath, I look around again.

We usually meet here and walk for a while until we reach the black lake, where the shadowy figure that is supposed to represent my mate, gains a new feature. When I figure out who he is, my wings will grow completely. And judging by how painful they are now, they are going to be hell when they grow in completely.

Strange, he's usually here by now. I wander what's taking him so long. I turn to the forest and look at the path that we usually walk on. After a few more minutes of waiting, I feel to arms wrap around my waist, embracing me from behind.

"Hello there stranger, how are you doing?" A smile graces my face at the sound of his voice. I turn around, pulling his arms from my waist and placing them on my shoulders, and setting my hands on his waist. I smile down at him.

"Better, now that I'm here with you. Those bloody wings were getting on my nerves." A small smile plays at his lips.

"Well, I hope they grow in soon."

"You and me both. Now..." I turn towards the path, "Shall we?" I hold out my hand for him to take. When he does, I intertwine our fingers. As we walk, I look over at him and take in his appearance. His shaggy, almost untameable, brown hair that goes perfectly with his pale skin, and, hidden behind round glasses, those deep, emerald eyes that always seem to pull me in.

We continue walking in a comfortable silence, until we come to the black lake. I sit down, pulling him down next to me. He picks up my hand and begins playing with the fingers.

"So, did anything happen today?" He asks, breaking the silence. I think for a moment and look down at our hands.

"Nothing much, I guess. I practically slept most of the day. So, good I guess..... Well, until....." I lower my head, the images of earlier this afternoon playing in my head.

"What is it Dray?" He questions, using my nickname.

"I don't know for sure, but Potter ended up in the hospital today. He had these horrid cuts up his arms and he looked terrible, and just... Broken. He...." I let out a small sniffle, trying to hold back the tears that are threatening to fall. "I t-think he t-tried to... t-to kill himself." Here come the tears. I'm not quite sure why I'm crying. But I do know that I feel terrible for what happened. "I know I usually don't care how he feels, or what happens to him...... But, seeing the pain and tears on his face... I just felt terrible. I mean, I've been tormenting him for years, and I had no idea he was going threw so much. And then, Weasely told me that someone's been using a poly juice to disguise themselves as me, just to pick on Harry....." The tears are like a waterfall now, never ending. He pulls me into a tight embrace. Trying to comfort me.

"Hey, it's okay. It'll be okay." He starts rubbing circles on my back.

"I just wish I could take back all the things I've ever said to him...." My crying finally stops and now I'm just letting out small sniffles. He pulls away and and wipes the tears from my eyes.

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