Chapter 27

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Twenty Seven
Mr. Nice Guy
Jailah Christians

"Pssst." I felt someone shake me for probably the fourth time. I had tried waving them off but obviously, they were not getting the hint. Sighing, I turned on my side to see Cairo standing by my side, holding up two bags of Aunt Patty's soul food. My stomach grumbled due to the scent alone, I hadn't realized how hungry I actually was. As I moved a bit, Cailah stirred in my arms, wincing as she did so. Clearly, moving wasn't an option. The doctor had advised me that it was helping and the longer I could do it would be the better.

"Just put it down on the table." I whispered towards him, looking across the room to see my mother fast asleep and his father in the doorframe. They both had changed and looking up at the clock, I saw that they had been gone for quite a few hours.

"You need to eat something." Cairo said.

"I'm not hungry and I can't move from this spot." I said, as I stretched, my brows lowered and I took a deep breath. My legs were cramped and I was beginning to feel pain in my lower back, this normally happened when I slept on my side.

"Jailah, eat. I'll switch spots with you."

"I'm good," I lied, stretching my leg out and bending it so that the blood could flow.

"No, you aren't." he set the food down and before I knew it, he had his hand against the small of my back. I rolled my eyes and looked up at him as he, without permission, slowly lifted me out of the position I was in. Cairo placed my feet onto the ground and held me up as I adjusted, my leg was definitely asleep. I blew out a deep breath and walked away from him, grabbing my food from the table and walking over to sit on one of the empty chairs.

"Everything alright?" Cairo's father asked, walking into the room after finally wrapping up his phone call. "How's baby girl?" he asked me.

"Still recovering, still in pain of course. They upped her dosage on morphine sulphate, which I hate but I know she needs. I'm just praying that she doesn't have to deal with going through withdrawal."

"How many units?" Cairo asked, as he unzipped his sweater and hung it on the side of the bed.

"Just a couple more milligrams." I answered as I opened up my container of food. My mouth watered at the sight alone, I hadn't been a fan of Aunt Patty's as of lately, they didn't throw down like the older chefs used to, but I had to admit; it looked much better than I had remembered since I left. I wiped off my fork with a napkin then began to dig in after a short grace. I shut my eyes as the mac and cheese just melted in my mouth, the way it was supposed to. I let out a low moan of satisfaction then watched as Cairo was about to climb bed. "She's fast asleep right now, I don't know if you need to do that. I'm sure she will be good until I finish up." Just as I said that Cailah began to stir again, this time her eyes fluttered open and I watched her face begin to change from it's peaceful sleeping expression to the look she gave before she would cry. Her pouted lips quivered and her eyes shut tight.

I placed my food down onto one of the window ledges behind me and held onto the chair's arms, to get my heavy self up. As I was about to walk over and lay back where I was, I had just gotten her to really be calm and to hear her cry was one thing I didn't need right now. My head was already pounding from her earlier episodes, not to mention that I was thinking of strategies to kill Mychal in my head as well. A whole lot was going on.

I waddled over there and before I could get in, Cairo did. "I got it." he said, shooting me a quick glare reminding me that things were not peachy between us, before he looked down on Cailah and took my position. Cairo wrapped his arms around her and used his other hand to move her curls from out of her face, he placed a kiss on her forehead and soon her cries began to subside. "Daddy's here." he whispered as he continued to play in her hair. After a couple more kisses and some cooing, Cailah was once again, out like a light. Thank God.

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