(Final chapter) Chapter 20 - always and forever with you

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About 3 weeks later.

Sonic has never felt happier since before his parents died. He was laying down in his room looking at the ceiling and thought, I never been this happy since before my parents deaths although somehow things are unusual..I never thought I end up with a boyfriend especially one like Knuckles. Knuckles then walked into the room wearing a black leather jacket, ripped jeans, black fingerless-gloves, and boots that bore resemblance to his every day shoes sees Sonic who sat up and said, hey babe. Sonic said as he Knuckles sat next to him, hey... Knuckles said as he held his hand, listen it's been about three weeks since..well you know...but listen this may sound...well cheesy...but ever since I accepted the deal to work here exchange to live...I changed but it's not just the influence of other crooks here...but for you as well..I felt like I sold my soul to a malicious devil just to be by your side...to be honest...all the times I spend with you and all of the times I spent and the times I came to know you...So..Hikaru you've really changed my life and my point of view...I love you and I would do anything to be by your side at all costs even if it means the both of us will get caught. Sonic felt moved by Knuckles words and said as he smiled, oh Knuckles...that is the nicest thing everyone has ever said to me...but promise me something okay? Knuckles nodded as Sonic said, promise to be by my side always and forever more. Knuckles said as he looked into his yellow and green eyes, I promise I will always be with you...always and forever be with you Hikaru. As both held their hands both kissed as they're criminal-passions grew more.

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