Meaning of it

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Do you know how important a meaning can be? 

The meaning of a smile , the meaning of a look.

Often they want to say you something. Listen.

They wanna say thank you , thank you that you are here.

Thank you that you listen or thank you that you are near.

A meaning of a thing can be very important for you too.

For outhers its maybe just a necklace, a photo or something else. But for you it's something special.

You connect it with something or somebody . Maybe a memory , a important person or just a moment and it means the world to you.

 An example :  A robin , is maybe just a bird . But for her it is a special one .For the little girl. Before her grandpa died she watched with him the birds and gave them bread, he always drew a little robin . She keeps him in her little heart , cause he was like a father. Always there when needed and someone you can't describe. Just a wonderful person.

Now when she sees and hears the little robin she smiles and thinks about back then.

And you? Do you have something what is special for you?

 Write down in the comments :).

Quotes, Poetry and Thoughts. Listen to my heart.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat