Chapter thirteen:

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Andy's P.O.V

I go back home and open the door to see Rye sat at the table looking shaken up as he drinks his glass of water. He looks up when he realises I'm staring. His smile fades as he notices my stern expression.

"Andy..." he says knowingly, I don't reply, "please tell me you don't think I did this."
"I don't know what to think Ryan..."

Rye's P.O.V

His voice cracks as he says my name. Ryan not Rye. I feel our bond breaking as he speaks again.

"Look me in the eyes Ryan! Look me in the eyes and tell me you didn't kill him!" He shouts I cower away as he yells,
"I didn't do it," I whimper.
"Look me in the eyes!" He demands, I look up into his ocean blue eyes as he looks back into my unreadable, chestnut orbs.

"You have to believe me Andy, please..."
"I DONT KNOW!" he breaks down in frustration and smashes the glass on the table. Glass scatters everywhere and I back away, nervously.

I unwillingly step closer to him again, "believe me..." I stare into his eyes once more.
"I can't..."

And with that I turn to the door, tears flowing endlessly from my eyes. The one person who I trusted, the one person I loved, who loved me, thinks I'm a murderer...

Did Rye do it or not then???🤷‍♀️
I'll update again soon x
Hope you enjoyed the chapter x

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