"It doesn't. The contest is still a-go and I still have to pick the winner to best represent Blackwell. I've got all the photos except one from...Max." Mr Jefferson replied. "I'll give you a one-word sneak preview of Max's photo: selfie. Listen...you've seen my entry, you know it's better than that. Wouldn't that be SO cool to hang out together in San Francisco, Mark?" Ewwww... "Stick to Mr. Jefferson, Victoria, please? And, uh...I haven't picked a winner yet." Mr Jefferson tries to leave but Victoria grabs his arm to stop him from going anywhere. "You already love my work, so it's not like you're playing favourites. Just imagine if you picked my photo, though...we would have to spend a LOT of time together... That could be...fun, don't you think?" What the fuck Eww.. What is this bitch trying to do. I'm practically gagging in disgust at her attempts to, what it sounds like to me, to get him in bed and do things I don't want to imagine in my thoughts. THANK YOU VERY MUCH... "I'm going to think that you didn't say any of that." Mr Jefferson replied. "You might as well choose me...otherwise I might have to tell people you offered to choose my photo for favours or something..." Victoria tried to threaten Mr Jefferson. "As a favour to your future, I'll also ignore that undisguised threat. This conversation is officially over, Miss Chase. I suggest you go back to your dorm now." "Wait!" Victoria shouts desperately. Mr Jefferson walks off however, but this doesn't stop Victoria from unsuccessfully trying to grab his arm again to stop him from going. "I only..." She tries to explain her actions but seeing it's getting her no where she just hangs her head low and holds it with her arm. She sighs "Are you fucking kidding me?" She says to no one in particular walking by the board Max, Chloe and I are hiding behind meaning we're all squished together as we have our backs against it. Victoria walks off in the general direction of the dorms but not before mumbling a "So stupid..." to herself. 

We wait a few moments to make sure the coast is clear and Max says "Just when I think Victoria can't get ANY more evil..." Chloe replies with "Shit is about to get real at Blackwell..." "I honestly feel sick just watching that.." I said, trying to get the images out of my head. "You're not the only one." Max and Chloe reply in unison. "Come on. Let's go find out what's going on." Max said grabbing Chloe's hand. Chloe grabs mine, offering me a gentle smile to which I return before we all make our way to the main school campus. Chloe pulls the keys out of her pockets and puts the main campus door key in and unlocks it. We all walk inside and Max pulls out her phone and puts her flash light on so we can navigate our way through the creepy, dark hallways.

"Chloe the Key master." Max said after our eyes adjusted to the dark hallway with the small brim light of Max's flash light on her phone. "You know it." Chloe replied. "I don't know about this we're all in so much trouble as it is." Max said unsure if we should be doing this. "Not to mention the weed you brought into my room. And Cody bringing the head of security into a fight. Joking. Maybe..." Chloe said. "I'm serious. We're not kids anymore. We're breaking and entering..." Max said to fill in the silence. "If I have a key, how can it be breaking? They can't charge us for just entering!" Chloe said back. "I'm serious. We could go to jail..." Max said. At the mention of jail I froze on the spot, I could've swore I was as pale as a ghost. Chloe seemed to notice my unusual change. "You good Cody?." She asked. Max looked over to me as well. "Uh yeah. Let's go." I said walking ahead of them to the principals office. 

I turned back to see Max and Chloe nervously glancing at each other but Chloe quickly gained her composure and moved over to the door to unlock it. They had a small conversation that I didn't pay any attention too. Something about 'step-douche would not want me in the hands of the local police.' " ---So we better find out what's in the principal's office first. You can rewind if we get caught, right? You have mad powers, Max." Chloe said. "But my powers didn't save Kate... Maybe I did on my own..." Max said doubting herself and her abilities. By this time Chloe had unlocked the first door to the office and we all had made our way into the room. Chloe then advanced onto the door that the principal office lays in. "Come on. One more door and our work here is done." She said trying to find the key for it. "What the fuck? The security officer should have the key to the principal's office!" Chloe said, after failing to find the right key for the door. "He's hiding shit. Like EVERYBODY here." Max said. I took a seat on one of the plastic chairs a few steps away from where they were having their conversation. Chloe by now had crouched down and started to try and pick lock the door. "---Well, you could look for the key...just in case." She said to Max. Max replied with "Why, yes, I could..." Before taking off to look around the room for the right key.

LIFE IS STRANGE (Chloe x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now