The Accident

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The story begins with dust motes dancing in the flickering glow of emergency lights, highlighting the huge interior of the abandoned warehouse. Ben Tennyson, a lanky teenager with a shock of brown hair, stood toe-to-toe with his smirking doppelganger, Albedo. Unlike Ben's trademark green and black suit, Albedo's was reversed, a stark white and grey uniform mirroring Ben's heroic persona.

Behind Ben, his cousin Gwen Tennyson, surging with magical energy, and his best friend, Kevin Levin, a hulking figure with rock skin, exchanged wary glances. The source of their concern wasn't Albedo himself, but the ominous machine looming in the background, a teleportation pod crackling with unstable energy.

"This little beauty will send me home in a flash," Albedo taunted, his voice dripping with smug satisfaction. "And leave this backwards planet in a crater!" Ben knew Albedo wouldn't hesitate to detonate the unstable power source along with the teleporter, taking down Bellwood and its innocent citizens. There was no time for heroics, just a desperate gamble. "A small price to pay for Galvan Prime."

"Wall of Sound!" Ben, his voice multiplied sevenfold, screamed as Echo Echo clones materialized around Albedo, who towered in Humungousaur form. The warehouse walls vibrated as the sonic blasts converged on Albedo. But Albedo, ever the cunning foe, slammed his colossal fists into the ground. The resulting shockwave shattered the Echo Echo clones, flinging Ben's sonic duplicates like ragdolls. Disoriented, Ben reformed in the centre of the room, his green and black suit slightly singed. Albedo capitalized on the momentary opening. He darted past Ben, aiming for Kevin, who stood there groggy, rubbing the back of his head. Just as Albedo's shadow loomed over Kevin, a green energy shield materialized around him, courtesy of Gwen's quick reflexes. The telekinetic barrier deflected Albedo's attack, sending him staggering back. Shaking off the surprise, Kevin reacted instinctively. His arm transformed, absorbing the broken concrete from the shattered floor. He delivered a powerful uppercut, catching Albedo under his chin and launching the massive alien towards the far wall.

"Nice work, Mister I Got It Covered," Kevin drawled sarcastically, his voice dripping with mock praise. "Almost had him there."

Ben ignored the jab, his eyes fixed on Albedo. "I'm just warming up," he retorted, a spark of defiance in his voice. "Just watch me," with a determined yell, Ben and his Echo Echo clones launched themselves at Albedo. They tackled the towering Humungousaur, a cacophony of sonic blasts echoing off the warehouse walls.

"Get off me you fools!" Albedo roared in frustration, struggling against the sonic barrage. His eyes darted to the teleportation pod, it was charged and ready. With a surge of strength, he threw off the Echo Echo clones and ran towards the machine. "You cannot stop me from going back to Galvan Prime!"

"Don't let him get in that thing, it'll doom us all," shouted Kevin as he ripped a chunk of pulverized concrete and launched it at the pod, aiming for a vital component. 

The debris struck accurately and the pod faltered, lights flickering ominously. A wave of panic washed over Albedo's face. "You imbecile! What did you do?!" Albedo he roared, turning on Kevin with renewed fury while still struggling to get Ben and his clones off him.

Gwen, however, seemed confused. "Hold on," she interjected, a frown creasing her brow. "It's... stable? The power readings aren't..."

Kevin's smirk faltered. "What do you mean stable?" he stammered, a dawning sense of dread creeping into his voice.

"You just damaged the transmission field!" Albedo snarled, his voice laced with a hint of panic that surged beneath his usual arrogance. He stumbled back from the pod, his massive form momentarily thrown off balance. A red light flickered on the control panel, a stark warning against the backdrop of the otherwise charged machine. "The coordinates could be scrambled! I might end up who knows where!"

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