"Oh now you answer? Just let me finish.."


"G-God you feel good...~ Be a good boy and keep quiet 'kay?"

"Y-Yes.. M-Ma'am..."



12 years later...

'I can't.. Feel anything... Everything's disappearing... I feel like i'm going to die, mom.. Help me.. Please... I don't want to disappear..'


"Doctor, are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Of course, he'll be fine, the machine never kills anyone."

Two people watched from a distance behind a window as a restrained (M/N) was surrounded by blue light, screaming in pain and agony.

The other person watched in pity while the other was satisfied.

After a few good moments the screaming died down.

"Bring him in."

"Yes ma'am!"

The female assistant rushed out to get the male out of the restraints.


"What's your name?"


"Age? Address? Quirk?"

".... Quirk..? What is that?"

"Well it seems like he has forgotten everything unecessary.. completely." Said a male.

"When will we send him back to Eraserhead?" Replied a female.

"Three more years to educate him about today's generation, then we'll send him back, besides, the boss gave him to us, thankfully Dr. Azuma has a new patient..."

"Who are you guys? And why am i here?.. And who am i?"

"Our name are unecessary, but your name is (M/N) Aizawa, your father is a hero, you're here since you got.. Sick and your father wanted us to cure you."

"A hero?"

"Well a hero is someone who saves lives and fight for justice! In order to easily do that, you need a quirk! A quirk is a special inhuman ability a person posseses, and you (M/N), have a quirk!"

"I do?!"

"Yes, it's called Hallucination, it let's you give any kind of hallucination to your target, but you won't activate it yet just now."

"Why not?"

"Because it can harm others, but do not worry, we'll help you control it so that no harm may come to anyone!"

"Thank you.."


"I DIDN'T SAY YOU COULD ERASE HIS MEMORIES!" A certain raven-haired male shouted at the doctors.

"S-Sir we're sorry but it's orders, it's hard to rehabilitate him normally."


The pro hero infront of them clenched him fist, an angry expression in his face.

"Don't worry Mr. Aizawa, we made sure to educate him and let him know about useful things, he has thankfully forgotten about villanous acts, we also fixed his missing eye for you so he won't question about that." The hero sighed, replying,

"Are you sure this lasts?"

"Yes, but it depends if he sees or touches anything from his past, so you be careful of that, but minor things are useful, we suggest that he keep things slow and not focus on big things like being a hero."

"Alright.. Where is he?"

As if on cue, two men were leading a confused (M/N) to his father, the hero instantly stood up and walked to him.

"Welcome back.." Aizawa muttered before he engulfed him in a hug.

"Are you.. Shota Aizawa? My dad..?"

".... Yeah.." (M/N) instantly hugged back, pressing his face against his father's chest.

Aizawa was fearful for the future of his son, seeing that he forgot most of his past, including his mother and his students.

But he decided that (M/N) should never find out about it no matter what.


✔ A Mere Hallucination || BNHA x Male!Villain!reader (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now