"We have the same schedule." He said, looking down at her unbelievable blue eyes.

She furrowed her brows and pouted, "how c-come I haven't seen y-you?"

"I'm not the best when it comes to school attendance." Orion simply stated.

"O-Oh..okay." She whispered.

"Come. Let's get you to class." He took her wrist and began to pull her to their next class P.E

Orion walked lavender to the girls locker room and told her he'll meet her outside before making his way to the boys room. Lavender walked in and saw a few girls staring at her but again, no one wanted to talk to her. She only got glared and stared at. Sighing she went to one of the changing stalls to change into her P.E clothes which consisted of the school short spandex and a jersey. The shorts showed the shape her butt-cheeks. She instantly blushed at the thought. It made her really uncomfortable but she thanked god the Jersey was long enough to cover half of the shorts.

She pulled her hair to a high ponytail before walking out the stall. She saw all the girls in the shorts and their shirts tied in a knot. She looked at the ground when they all stared at her. Once they went out, she hesitantly followed.

Orion immediately spotted her. He saw her look up and caught his eyes, she smiled and ran to come to him. He already knew he was going to be in so much trouble. He has never in his life met an angel like her. The thought of that makes him want to punch himself and to toughen up. It's only been a period and he was already obsessing over her.

She stood right infront of him, "H-hi." She whispered looking up at him with flushed cheeks. He caresses her cheeks before replying in his deep, groggy voice, "Hey." She shivered while he gulped, his Adam's Apple bobbing. He hated how fast she affected him but at the same time loved how he made her feel.

"Okay kids!! Today we're going to run for two miles and play dodgeball. The captains for today are Orion and Marcus. So after running the miles, you may pick your team." Coach Durga explained.

Orion rolled his eyes and pulled lavender towards the track field. He turned towards lavender, "Are you ready?"

She turned to him and lip her lower lips nervously and slowly nodded her head. He smirked when coach blowed the whistle. He took off real fast wanting to get this over and done with. As he was running he turned back to see how far lavender was. Turns out she was only couple steps behind him. He could tell she was trying to keep up with his pace and frankly she looked so adorable. So he slowed down to her pace and ran along her side, she looked at him from the corner of her eyes and blushed, grinning at the thoughtfulness.

Once they completed their two mile run. They sat by the bench waiting for the others to finish. Lavender got up and ran towards her gym bag, grabbing a water before running back to Orion. "H-here." She said handing Orion her water. He shook his head. "No thanks, you drink it." The girl looked dehydrated yet she still offered him her water.

"N-no, p-please drink it. I know you're t-thirsty." She persisted. Orion just took her water, pulled her to his lap while she yet a small 'yelp' and held the water towards her lips.

"Open." Was all he said. Lavender obeyed obediently and drank half of the water before holding it, "N-now what are y-you going to drink?" She pouted. He just took the bottle and drank off of it. While she blushed, her face resembling a tomato from the heat or Orion she didn't quite know.

"Are you happy now?" He asked her. She just hid her face between her hands. Her one and only thought was 'we indirectly kissed' she blushed even harder when the coach yelled, "NO PDA ON THE FIELD." And jumped off of his lap.

She looked around and saw everybody staring at them. She wanted nothing more than to hide in the covers of her bed with Mr. Bear, a present she got from her father. Orion stood up and pulled her behind him and said, "let's just fucking play already."

The coach just nodded his head and took out a coin. "Okay heads Marcus, tails Orion." He tossed it in the air and landed on his palm. "Heads. Marcus you're up first."

Marcus shouted a big yes and smirked. He turned towards Orion and said, "Lavender."

Orion clenched his jaw and his palms were in fist. He wanted to pound on that dumb fuck, but he knew he couldn't. He turned towards lavender, her eyes were wide as she doesn't know what to do.

Lavender has never been good at dodgeball mainly because she hadn't played it since the third grade. She was scared but her feet started moving towards Marcus's side. She looked at Orion and saw him glare daggers at Marcus.

Once they finished picking out the teams. It's game time.

She looked over and saw Orion telling his teammates something.. he looked so determined and clear as they nodded their heads in what seemed like fear.

As they played, one by one each person started going off the court as they got hit by the ball. All she did was stand on the edge of the court trying to not get hit by the ball. She wanted to play, she really did but was so afraid with the amount of balls flying and people running around everywhere. So she stayed put and waited for it to be over.

Before she knows it, lavender was the only person left on her team. And Orion on the other, she wanted to cry because she knew how Orion played, fudge-sticks she saw it when she stood by the corner like a child, lavender saw him take out more than half of her team and she was terrified.

But Orion just stood there, dropping the ball on his hand. He stood there patiently and softly told lavender to pick the ball on her side.

The people around gasp once Orion said the next words, "Throw it at me." Lavender furrowed her brows thinking it was a trick. Orion repeated his words firmly getting impatient already. Lavender then shot the ball softly yet, the ball touched Orion in the spot that is enough to cause lavender to win.

When the coach blew his whistle was when lavender and the rest of the student realized what Orion did, he just let her win.

Thank you for reading!!

There will be grammatical mistakes so feel free to point that out

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