Who Can We Trust

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A knock came to the door, which pulled Andre out of his thoughts. He saw his phone ringing yet again, except this time it was Cookie calling. He grabbed a shirt and went to open the door. He didn't want to let his parents in, but he knew better than to ignore Cookie for long.

"Boy! Why haven't you been answering our calls? We thought something was wrong!" Cookie shouted before walking into the apartment. Andre rested his back against the door letting his parents walk in with Bella. "Nothing is wrong Ma. I just was laying down. It's been a long few days. I just wanted some rest that's all."

Lucious gave Andre a suspicious look. He trusted that Andre was ok, but you never actually knew something was wrong with him until everything that could go wrong goes wrong. Cookie gave her son a once over then proceeded to look around the room. Nothing was broken or misplace, and it was dark in the apartment. The Lyon couple accepted that their son was just tired instead of having a melt-down. Lucious started to ask, "Do you want to go with us to see your brother? Tiana said he's awake and he wants to see the family." Andre shook his head and started to explain why. "I'm going to see him later. I have to go take care of some things pop."

Andre taking care of things was not something that sat right with Cookie and Lucious, but they had to trust that their son was not going to do anything that would harm himself nor his family. "Ok son, I love you. Call us later, okay?" Cookie said, followed by a hug. Andre nodded in acknowledgement, then watched his parents walk out the door. He didn't want to tell them that he was going to church to talk to the Reverend because he knows his father's stance with churches. He was going to help keep himself sane. It helped him clear the harmful thoughts that he unintentionally had.

Once Cookie and Lucious got back into the car, Lucious' phone began to ring. "Yeah Becky." "Lucious you need to get to the hospital and talk to Tiana. I think she might be playing you guys again. Eddie was just up here talking to her about something." Lucious turned to see Cookie holding a stern look as he hung up the phone. Cookie shook her head with disappointment. "Let me take care of him Cook. Let me just end this right now babe," Lucious quietly growled to her. "No. We can't keep taking people out and expecting to get away with it while we attempt to get our company back. We already have bad publicity from what Eddie spread. We don't need anymore. We are gonna do this right, ya' hear me?"

Lucious didn't answer her. He simply focused on the road ahead of them. He didn't understand why Cookie wouldn't just let him take care of Eddie. He would gladly go to prison for the crime if that meant Cookie and the boys would be back in control of Empire. He didn't want to leave her, especially now, but he had to do what needed to be done for the sake of his family. Cookie grabbed his chin and turned him to face her, "Lu, we have to do better. We can't chance losing one another again. I promise we gonna take care of Eddie together." Lucious nodded as Cookie gave him a quick peck on his lips.

Once they got to the hospital, Cookie got out of Lucious' embrace and went straight to Hakeem's room. To say she was excited to see her son was an understatement. She got into his room and smiled with tears running down her face. Bella fought her way out of Cookie's arms and ran toward Hakeem. Tiana picked up Bella and placed her on the bed. Cookie was in love with the view of her son being an amazing father. She remembered watching Lucious be the same way when the boys were little. She had faith that Hakeem wasn't going to turn against his child if things get too bad. The more she watched Bella and Hakeem interact the more she started to wish she could see that interaction one last time, but with her husband. She looked over her shoulder and saw Lucious smiling at the sight. Hakeem pulled them out of their trance by yelling, "Cookie! Lucious! Come in at least like normal people." Cookie giggles and shook her head, "Boy shut up. My baby. My big-headed baby. I'm so happy you're awake." "I am too son," Lucious chimed in. Hakeem looked at both of his parents and gave them a smile. He had talked to the doctor when Tiana went out of the room, so he already knew what was going on with his legs. He just wasn't ready to ruin the moment that he and his parents were having.

Empire's Conference Room

Eddie's POV

The board has called an emergency meeting and I already know this has to do with Anika dying. I don't have time to think about a bitch who didn't know when to not be alone with a Lyon. I'm not certain, but I'm sure Andre had something to do with that. He was wandering around the press conference as if he was doing something secretive. I have to find a way to pin that death on him. One less Lyon to worry about. "Eddie? Do you have an idea as to what to do?" Leonard asked. I guess it's time for me to make up an idea that seems genius.

"I will be the CEO of Empire. I will address the public and inform them that we had no clue of Anika's drug abuse prior to declaring her CEO. I also think that we need to make some changes here. It is known that Andre Lyon is still the CFO. I think it's time that Empire cuts all ties with the Lyon family. It will be better to no longer have any ties to them. We will be giving Empire a new reputation, without the violence." I boasted. Everyone in the conference room looked with shock. Maybe they didn't think I would want to completely remove the Lyon clan. I don't see any other way to protect myself. If they can just walk back in here, I don't stand a chance of making it out alive. You only get one chance with the Lyons, and I already took my chance.

No One's POV

The entire board looked at Eddie with disgust. They couldn't believe that he was talking about removing the Lyon family, the family that started Empire. Everyone on the board just wanted someone else to be in charge, someone who wouldn't keep making Empire look like a cover for a bunch of thugs. They still wanted the Lyons around, because just like Cookie stated before, Empire's most valuable assets are the Lyons. Leonard and Edna looked at each other, signaling that they needed to talk later about Eddie's intentions. Giselle, on the other hand, was starting to think she couldn't trust Eddie and his outlandish decisions. She didn't believe that Empire would survive long with Eddie in control. This wasn't the plan they had originally came up with. From the beginning, Eddie said that he didn't want to run Empire, he just wanted the money from the sale. Now, it seems all of that small talk was just for show.

Eddie stood from his seat and walked towards the door. He stopped midway and turned to say, "Oh, and one last thing. I dropped Tiana from the label this morning, effective immediately. Empire doesn't need a pregnant artist who won't grow up and apparently can't stop opening her legs for devils even if it costs her career." The entire room grew silent; the only sound bouncing off the wall was the sound of Eddie's soles as he marched out to go to his office. It was at that moment, the board along with Giselle and Kelly Patel, had no idea what they had gotten themselves into by following Eddie Barker.

At the Hospital

Cookie stared at Tiana for about 5 minutes. Something was different about her. She seemed to be back to normal, but there was something else going on and Cookie was determined to figure it out. Lucious had gotten a call and went outside to take it. Cookie told Tiana to go ahead and change into some new clothes so she could have a minute alone with her son. Once everyone left out of the room, Cookie glared holes into Hakeem. He refused to look her in the eyes. She grabbed his face, making him have no choice but to look at his mother. "I know you talked to your doctor. I haven't seen one walk in here this whole time. What did they say Keem?" Cookie interrogated.

Hakeem shook his head, fighting back tears. Cookie knew it was bad news if he didn't want to tell anyone what the doctors said. "Will you walk again? Does Tiana know?" Hakeem looked up at his mother and took another breath before he began to explain what was going on. "Ma, they said I'm paralyzed from the waist down. They won't know if it's temporary or permanent until they run more tests. What am I going to do if I can never walk again?" Hakeem asked through tears.

Cookie grabbed her son's hand and looked him in the eyes. "Keem we are going to get through this. You are a Lyon. My most stubborn and resilient Lyon. You are going to beat this. We... we will get you the best physical therapist and we are going to help you beat this. You're going to ok son," She reassured him. He wanted nothing more than to be better, be back to himself. He needed to be not only for himself but for his daughter and the newest Lyon that will be coming in the next few months. "Mom, don't get mad... but.... Tiana is pregnant," Keem whispered. If looks could kill, Cookie would've been beating Hakeem with a broom again.


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