4. The lonely turtle

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Tunkie, the green turtle was very unhappy as he had no friends. Other animals like Chiku rabbit, biko mouse, joulu kangaroo, kuso monkey all were friends together and used to play, jump and run around. Tunkie would quietly see them and feel like left alone.

He went to the nearby pond one day and started crying. Coco, the crow, who was sitting on the tree there was seeing this and he came down to the turtle and sat there.

"What happened Tunkie? Why are you crying?" asked the crow.

Tunkie looked at him and said "leave me alone. You won't understand what I am going through".

The crow said "OK but if you will tell me what your problem is, then only you can make sure if I will understand your problem or not. I live on this tree and entire day I fly here and there and I know you are always alone. I have never seen you talking to anyone. May be I can help you with your problem only if you believe me".

"I don't have friends and I am always alone. That's my problem". said the turtle with a sad voice.

"HoHoHo !" laughed the crow.

"Did you ever try to talk to others or make friends? Have you ever invited anyone to your home to play with you or have food with you?" asked the crow.

"NO" said the turtle.

"Then go and talk to others. Sitting in one corner will not make you friends. Go to other kids and talk to them, play with them and be their friend".

The turtle went to the park where all other animals were playing and asked the rabbit "can I play with you all?".

The rabbit said "Yes, why not. Come we are playing hide n seek, join us". 

The turtle happily played with them and at night returned to the pond and looked up at the tree where the crow lived.

The crow saw him and came to him

"Hey! I played with other kids. I understand now that in order to make friends one need to go talk to them instead of waiting for them to come to us. We should initiate friendship and not keep on being lonely. You taught me that and I am thankful to you" said the turtle and hugged the crow.

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