2. Shoes

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Madan was supposed to go for a picnic with his friends. He got up early and dressed himself really well. The food bag was packed by his mummy and the toys bag was still getting ready by his dad. After a while... "everything is ready. Take your bag and enjoy well at the picnic" said Madan's mom. Madan, in reply, nodded his head... "bye bye mumma...bye bye dad..." said Madan while getting out of the house.

Madan reached his school, from where he, along with his classmates, were taken to a beautiful park for picnic.

"Yay" the kids shouted with joy. Madan, along with his friends started playing kabaddi. "Oh! The ground is slippery" said Raman. So the kids decided to open their shoes and play so that they don't slip. 

After having played for an hour or so, they were hungry and sat down for food. 

"Its time to go back. Pack your bags, wear your shoes and get into the bus" said the teacher.

Madan wore one shoe but he was unable to find the other one. "Where did it go????" said Madan, looking for his lost shoe. "What happened Madan?" asked the teacher.

"I am not able to find my other shoe". Said Raman with a sad voice.

The teacher also tried to find but did not get it. Neither can she see any other single shoe, which could hint at Madan's shoe getting exchanged with someone else's.

So finally Madan had to sit in the bus with just one shoe.

While returning, Madan thought "Oh! What am I going to do with just one shoe... anyways its not useful now". So, he opened his shoe and threw it out from the window.

When he reached home, his parents asked about his shoes and Madan told them about how one of his shoes got lost and so he threw away the other one. 

Next morning, Madan went to school. He entered into his classroom and sat on his place.

The teacher came along with a bag in her hand. She came to Madan, opened the bag and asked 

" is this your shoe Madan?'. "YES" Madan was happy to see his lost shoe. "The watchman of the picnic park found it lying in the park and returned it to the school" said the teacher. 

Madan happily took it. BUT he suddenly remembered that he threw the other shoe out from the bus... ! So no use of now getting the other shoe back. He thought "someone might have taken my shoe or atleast seen it thrown on the road. But one shoe is of no use". So he decided, on the way back home, he will throw away the second shoe as well, which he did.

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