"Nonsense. I will go and look for you."

"Iida, you don't have to-"

Too late. The exhausts embedded in Iida's calves hum to life before he takes off back to campus. Izuku just shakes his head while Ochako smiles at him. "He's trying to help in his own way."

"And what's your way?"

"Ice cream and action movies."

"I love you."

Ochako smiles and goes in for that hug, ready for the nest of green hair and scattered polka dots on those pinchable cheeks. But before she can embrace her friend she's pulled back by a well manicure hand the color of pink cotton candy. "Wha-?"

"Hi! We gotta talk!"

"N-now?" Normally, Ochako adores talking to Mina, but, "Deku and I are about to-"

"It's an emergency," and Mina's already dragging her away from Izuku.

"It's fine." Izuku plasters a smile on his face. It's being held by wet tape that barely retains its adhesiveness. "I'll meet you at the dorms."

"I won't take long, Deku, I promise!"

"You might," Mina says as she pulls Ochako down the sidewalk.

Once they're away from Izuku, Ochako wiggles out of Mina's grip, a puffed-cheek scowl aimed directly at her. "All right. You've been acting weird all day, Pinky Pie. What's going on?"

Mina tries not to let her heart melt. Ochako's such a cute, squishy bean. "Listen. I need the password to Midoriya's phone," then she says, "No questions asked," just to say she tried.

"... what? Wait, why?"

Welp, she tried. "Bakugou accidentally texted him a love confession."

"Really?!" Ochako puts the pieces together in record time. Katsuki's avoiding Izuku out of embarrassment, not malice. "Oh thank GOD! THAT'S why he's acting weird?"

"Yes! Ugh, boys are stupid. I told him to just let him read the message."

"But Deku's phone is-... wait... is it missing?"

Mina rolls her eyes, feeling the beginnings of a headache at the base of her horns. "No."


Mina shakes her head and says, " I did no such thing. The boys did."

"... boys are dumb," Ochako says, bonding with Mina, her poor girlfriend cursed to have a group of well-meaning, silly boys in her friend circle. "So you need the password because..."

The Great Katsuki Bakugou TextmergencyWhere stories live. Discover now