Part 128: I Know

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압니다 simply attached to the base of the verb 알, know. As part of the group of verbs with them stem ending in , the disappears when the gets attached as part of the conjugation. You won’t hear 압니다 being spoken much outside of presentations and equivalent situations.


Hee Hyo: 이 사람을 압니까? - Do you know this person?
Min Hyuk: 네, 압니다 - Yes, I do know this person.

알고 있습니다 has a very similar meaning, however with this type of conjugation you are trying to convey that you know of the topic you are currently discussing in a deeply manner. It sounds more natural to use in speech, however, than 압니다 does.


Hee Hyo: 이 사람을 알고 있습니까? - Do you know this person?
Wonho: 네, 알고 있습니다 - Yes, I do know this person.

알겠습니다 can also be used as an I know response in some situations, but oftentimes its meaning is closer in align with that of I got it rather than I know, so keep that in mind before using it.


알아요. If you attach the word in front of the verb, you can really demonstrate that you know of the topic well. For example, if you want to say that you speak Korean well, just add in front of 알아요 and you’re good to go.


Hee Hyo: 이 책을 알아요? - Do you know this book?
Donghyun: 네, 알아요. - Yes, I do know this book.

알고 있어요 is same like in the formal one.


알아. Once you’ve become close to the person you are talking to, you can drop the 요 and speak informally like this. If you speak to a stranger or a much older person (without getting their permission) using informal words, you’ll likely offend them but to a close friend or equivalent, they’ll be very delighted to have you use the informal version.


Hee Hyo: 이 영화 알아? - You know this movie?
Hyo Min: 응, 알아. - Yeah, I know.

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