Part 6

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*** Warning adult content, smut scene***

She stretched and sighed, enjoying the lassitude that flowed through her body. She then stood on shaky legs and made her way back to the bathroom. After cleaning herself up again, she then came back out and settled herself on Hunter's lap, facing him.

"So," she said, "what happens now? Where do we go from here?"

"Hmmm," he said, stroking his chin, eyes skimming over her body as it perched across his legs. "Well, I thought we would spend the night together in the throes of passion," he finished, giving her a wolfish grin.

"That's not what I meant, and you know it," she said, narrowing her eyes.

"So, you spend the night as previously stated, and maybe if we haven't screwed each other to death by morning, we could see where it goes."

"No promises, no plans?"

He furrowed his brow, as he gave her question serious consideration, before he reached up and stroked her cheek.

"Well I no longer live here, and I don't know what you do, but are you able to pick up your life and move to South Dakota?"

"No," she said, shaking her head. "My business is finally taking off, I'm not going to throw eight years of hard work down the drain."

She climbed off his lap then, and went to sit back across from him, the table once again between them. She picked up her wine glass and drained it, feeling misery settle back over her.

"That reminds me, we never did discuss what the other has been doing these last ten years."

"Yeah, we never did."

"Why don't we have an uncomplicated conversation over dessert," he said smiling, and going to the kitchenette.

Faith poured herself some more wine, before emptying the bottle into his glass, and moved their plates to the counter space. She then returned to her seat, and settled back, taking a sip, tasting the bouquet, letting it dance around her tongue.

Hunter returned to the table carrying forks, and a very familiar looking box. Faith started laughing as he set everything down.

"What's so funny, Baby Girl?"

"That box. How did you know?"

"Know what? I just asked who had the best desserts in town, and one of the hotel staff told me about this place."

"Did you happen to notice the name of the bakery?" she said, smiling, taking a bite of cheese cake, right out of the box.

"Faith in sweets? Yeah, I did notice. I thought maybe it was a sign," he said, winking, taking his own forkful.

"Technically it was a sign. It's my sign. It's my bakery," she laughed.

"So, you mean..."

"I'm the Faith, in Faith in sweets. I've been baking for eight years and I opened the bakery six years ago. That's what I do now, I'm a Patisserie, went to school for it and everything."

"Wow, Baby Girl, that's impressive. Congratulations. Now I understand why you aren't able to just pack up and move on a whim."

"Well what about you," she said, taking another bite of cheese cake.

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