Part 2

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*** Mature content, NSFW scene, smut warning***

Faith closed her eyes and continued her trip down memory lane.


Faith had spent that weekend replaying the fight over and over in her mind. She yo-yoed back in forth between anger, sadness and guilt. She was angry because Hunter just didn't seem to get it. Sadness because she really did care for Hunter and didn't want this relationship to end. And lastly guilt. She felt that the strongest. She felt guilty because he really did have a point.

Why was she so afraid of deeper intimacy? They had practically had sex the first night they hooked up. And the orgasm he had given her had been amazing. She reasoned that perhaps she was scared of messing it up. Of somehow doing it wrong, and maybe doing lasting damage. All these thoughts warred in her mind. And she swung from straight rational to pure emotional thought.

She finally realized Sunday night, that all the speculation in the world wasn't going to get her anywhere except dizzy and straight into a migraine. What she needed to do was talk to Hunter. So, with that in mind she turned off her side lamp and went to sleep.

Monday morning, she accepted that Hunter was not going to pick her up as he usually did and caught a ride in with one of her squad mates. She made it her mission to track him down as soon as possible, and finally found him hanging with his friends by their lockers. She approached him cautiously.

"Hunter, can I talk to you?" She nervously asked.

He gave her a cold stare, but with a comment tossed over his shoulder to his friends, he came over.

"Yeah Faith, what do you want?"

"Will you let me say what I have to say without interrupting?"

He folded his arms across his chest and gestured that she had the floor.

"Please don't be mad at me anymore." She pleaded. "I've spent the whole weekend thinking about what you said. You're right that I am holding out. But you need to understand that I'm scared. I've never done anything like this before. I don't know what I'm doing. You're my first real boyfriend, and I really care about you. I don't want to fuck anything up. I don't want to ruin this."

During her speech, as requested, Hunter remained silent, letting her say her fill. His stance went from rigid to relaxed, the more she spoke. By the end of her narrative he was smiling. He walked closer to her and folded her in his arms as she finished.

"Baby Girl, I forgive you. There's nothing to be scared about. Everyone starts out not knowing what to do. That's part of the fun. We learn from each other. So, are you really ready to take things farther?"

She nodded, smiling up at him from the circle of his arms. He leaned down and kissed her just as the morning bell rang.

"Hey, you wanna ditch first period?" He whispered in her ear.

In response, she grabbed his hand and they raced through the halls out to the senior parking lot.

They spent all of first period making out in the front seat of his car. After having to duck down for the third time to avoid being spotted by campus security, Hunter suggested they skip the rest of their classes since it was a scheduled half day anyway.

"Hey, my parents are going to be at work all day. You want to come over to my house and hang?" He asked.

Faith jumped at the chance for some adult-free time. It was hard being a teenager living at home and finding time to spend alone with your boyfriend. Her parents had a strict open-door policy whenever Hunter had come over. Weirdly enough his parents were even more strict, only allowing the two of them in public areas of the house. Hunter had flaunted that restriction once or twice by sneaking in a kiss or two when she was coming out of the bathroom. But every time, just as things were starting to heat up, his mother would yell for him, asking where he was.

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