Chapter 7 - Him

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ok all better! :)

Scarlett's outfit in external link xxxxx


I found the perfect tree. My tree. It was the only tree that hadn't withered its leaves away yet. I think it was a hybrid. Is that even possible with trees? Trust me to think of these questions. Well now hybrid trees exist as this very one shows. A mix between an oak tree and a willow tree. It's the perfect winter tree. All on its own like me even though trees surround it but it's more like guarding it. The way the snow coats the leaves giving it an effect like the leaves have been dipped in silver and white glitter with a thin layer of glossing reflected off the gentle rays of the sun.

I should have brought a book with me or something to entertain myself with. It was nice to sit her alone and actually not bored for a change. It was relaxing to just listen to the wind brushing through the trees. I loved pushing the snow away with my feet making it surround me in a sort of igloo without the roof. Playing with snow reminds me of playing with slush puppies except slush puppies cause a crunching sound and snow is more of a gushing sound. Thankfully there are not too many bugs, hardly any at all or maybe even none. The only animals I caught sight of were the birds rustling through the trees carefree. Right now it’s just me under the influence of Mother Nature washing away all my thoughts and worries which I’ve had trouble doing while I’m awake. This would be my secret escape. How Molly has the secret basement, I have the secret tree. I don’t remember passing this tree when I first came here but I wasn’t really paying attention to anything then. Not like I am now. There was something intriguing about the branches. When I tried to follow on from the trunk to the end, another twig or branch would distract me so I’d end up focusing on that till another branch intertwined with the one I was examining distracts me yet again.

 “Enjoying yourself?” A masculine voice spoke. I nodded oblivious to the fact on who was there but I didn’t seem to care.

“Can I help you?” I inquired not removing my gaze from the view as I rested back against the tree trunk drawing patterns in the snow with my finger. 

I heard the snow crunch a few inches away from me and the light dampened, with his shadow, obviously shadowing me.

“What?” I moaned annoyed a little because this was my own little space that I claimed first. It was the moment I tilted my head up and made eye contact with the person facing me that my mouth parted drying up instantly as my voice froze inside my throat. I bowed my head down in silence taking in deep calm breaths.

“What are you doing here?” I questioned before my voice faded away. I still couldn’t bring myself to look up at him. At the phoenix. I could feel his eyes bore into my soul without glancing up.

“Honestly?” I nodded in response. “I really don’t know” He finished earning me looking up at him confused as hell.

 “Why are you being nice to me? And I thought you said the next time you’d see me was on my birthday” He ran a hand through his lank black hair restlessly tugging at the roots slightly trying to hide the fact that he was nervous about something.

“Come for a walk” He ordered losing all sense of nervousness and hope that he was someone good inside but his evilness reappeared. Not wanting to know the consequences of what would happen if I objected, I got up to my feet and followed him by his side reluctantly.

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