Lost in her thoughts, she didn't hear the door opening, nor realise there was someone in the room with her until a weathered hand touched her cheek, Freya's eyes meeting a pair of murky browns, shining with concern.

"What's up with you today, love?" Kendra asked. "You've been awfully quiet."

Freya pouted, her mood growing dimmer before suddenly, an idea struck. She stared up at Kendra with wide eyes before giving her the saddest puppy-dog eyes she could muster.

"Will you bring me to see Falcon?" She pleaded.

Kendra's eyebrow raised.
"That nice young man who was here the other day?" She asked before Freya nodded quickly. "Why don't you just call him to come here? Your father's not home, so there's no reason he can't."

Freya's face fell as she begged again.
"He-he was meant to come today," She slowly stood up from her bed, clutching her bunny to her chest. "But he wo-won't answer my calls."

Kendra's brow furrowed as she pursed her lips. Her resolve was crumbling under the influence of those big, sad eyes.
"Oh alright," Kendra gave in. "But you mustn't tell your father about this. He'll have my head if you do."

Freya nodded her agreement, running into her closet to put on something a little more acceptable for the public eye. After quickly pulling on a pair of short overalls and a white shirt, she wasted no more time and ran out her bedroom door and down the stairs.

Kendra was waiting for her at the front door, a frown flickering over her features as she took in Freya's attire. She shook her head, reaching into her large tote bag and revealing a long pink knit cardigan.
"I knew you wouldn't bother with a jacket of some sort," Kendra mumbled almost to herself. "Put this on, it's cold outside."

She guided Freya's arms through the cardigan before leading her outside and to her car which was parked out of the way of the main driveway. She opened the door for the girl, shutting it behind her before rounding the car and getting into the driver's seat.

"Now," Kendra sighed. "Where does this boy live?"

The memory of the last time Freya went to Falcon's home sent shivers down her spine, but she pushed her fear aside. Falcon could be in trouble, he might need her; she had to do this.

She directed Kendra to his home to the best of her abilities, using familiar landmarks to assure Kendra that they were going in the right direction. Kendra could sense that Freya was tense, her rigid posture and constant gnawing at her lips were a dead giveaway. She decided it was best to distract her slightly from whatever predicament was going on.

"Has Falcon been a good friend to you?" The question was asked more for Kendra's own benefit. She worried about the little girl as if she was her own child and while Falcon seemed to be a decent person, you could never be too sure.

Freya's blush wasn't what she had been expecting.
"He-ah," The red in Freya's cheeks spread across her face as she stumbled over her words. "Very."

Kendra raised a curious brow before finally catching on. Her eyes widened slightly as she took in a deep breath, slowly letting it flow back out from her lungs.
"Well," She said, a small smile crawling across her lips. "He certainly works fast."

Freya covered her face with the hair from her long ponytail, using her cold hands to cool down the raging heat in her cheeks. The rest of the ride was spent in silence and after a few wrong turns, they finally came upon a house that looked familiar.

"There," Freya pointed towards the rundown home.

Kendra hesitantly pulled up next to the house, her eyes darting around the surrounding area with suspicion.
"Are you sure this is it, love?" She asked Freya who was already in the process of unbuckling herself and opening the car door.

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