Seeing the damage Stanley stated "We have to get him out of his clothes. Who knows how many more bruises he'll have under those.".

Tom, who was staring, stunned by what he was seeing, nodded faintly, blinking at the sight of the boy.

He approached the bed and helped Stanley undressing the boy, discovering more and more bruises and, to their horror, an insane amount of scars.

"Oh God." one of them said, neither was sure if they even had the strength to speak at that moment.

Minutes passed and, even tho they seemed to last hours, both men slowly recovered from their shock. Stanley started to apply healing paste on the bruises, which would, that way, disappear in no longer than a few hours.

Tom took a better look at the scars, seeing that some of them seemed to spell words that weren't... very nice, in the man's opinion.

"We'll have to re-open the cuts to make them heal properly." Stanley, who was also looking at the scars, said quietly, having finishes applying the paste.

Healing the boy's body took a long time.

By the end of it the mattress was dirty with blood and sweat, both the boy's and the men's. They had to re-open a lot of cuts and, even with all their hard work, the boy still had a good amount of scars in his body.

When they were sure the teen was sleeping soundly Stanley got up to his feet and dusted off his trousers.
"I have to go now. The Knight Bus has been here for too long, time to go pick up some folks."

Tom nodded, knowing that the Knight Bus had places to be, and the men exited the room, leaving the boy sleeping on the bed Stanley had just cleaned with a flick of his wand.


He didn't know where he was. It was a strange place but... it felt oddly familiar.

There were a lot of people watching him with expression of both awe and respect. He was standing above them, seemingly on a platform of sorts.

He tried to look around and found that he couldn't move his head very much but, with the little movements he could make, he saw that he was outside. The city he was in was the most stunning sight he'd ever seen.

It seemed to be made of solid gold. Everything his sight could reach had at least a bit of gold in it.

The people were now whispering among themselves, seeming excited about something.

It was than that he felt a pair of arms surround him and holding him, almost in a motherly way.

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