Chapter 2

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What do I do? Should I open it? Leave it be? I don't know?

I know!

I left the note in the book, closed it and put it into my suitcase, right under Sam. I looked around my room trying to see if I left anything behind. It looks like I got everything. I went over to my suitcase, closed it, and rolled it over by my door. I took one last look around my room; it would be the last time I saw it. I put on a pink wool sweater over my green shirt. I grabbed the handle of my suitcase, rolled over to the edge of the old creaky stairs. I picked up my suitcase and started going down the stairs. My foot slipped a little, I started to fall, but someone caught me.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah, thanks. " I said getting my balance.

He peaked his head out from the back of my suitcase, it was Phil.

"I'll carry it down, okay. " Phil said with a smile, moving my suitcase by his side.

I followed him as he walked down the stairs. He put the suitcase down onto the floor and rolled it towards Miss. Fare's office door.

"So, are you ready to go?" Miss. Fare asked as she came out of her office with Dan.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I got everything. " I said with a smile, grabbing the handle of the suitcase.

"Good, well, I need to see you two in my office for a second." Miss. Fare said looking at me then turning her head towards Dan and Phil.

They followed Miss. Fare into her office, I stayed outside the door until Heather came down the stairs. She walked towards me, I grabbed the handle a little harder.

"Hey!" Heather said, crossing her arms.

"What. " I said, gulping loudly.

"Thanks. " Heather said nervously.

"F-For what?" I said, loosening my grip on the handle.

"For not blowing my cover over there. " Heather said looking around the hallway, really nervous.

"Your welcome, I guess. " I said mumbling at the end.

Heather nodded real quick then went back up the stairs to her room. Dan, Phil, and Miss. Fare left her office just shortly after Heather left.

"Winnie, can I see you for a second?" Miss. Fare asked me as I let go of the handle.

"Sure. " I said as we walked into her office.

Miss. Fare sat down in her chair as I sat in one of the light purple chairs in front of her desk.

"So, since you've already packed your suitcase and they have already signed the adoption papers for you, you can leave whenever you want with them, okay." Miss. Fare explained to me.

"Oh, okay." I felt a little shocked, to be honest.

I was going home with them. Dan and Phil. Home. Home? I was going home.

Miss. Fare and I walked out of her office, she talked to Dan and Phil a bit more, then said that we could leave whenever we want then let us be. I looked around the orphanage once more and grabbed my suitcase without saying anything. We said our goodbyes to Miss. Fare and some goodbyes to some of my other friends also. With my suitcase in hand and sweater on, we left.

We got into Dan's car, putting my suitcase in the back, but before we closed the back I opened up my suitcase taking Sam and a book out, I closed up the suitcase then closed the back and got in. I sat in the back, got out my iPod, earbuds, and a book and started to listen to some music, I was mouthing the lyrics as I read my book, 'An Ember In The Ashes' until Phil asked me something.

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