Chapter 7. Tell Me You're Kidding

Start from the beginning

Aria had blue eyes that didn't match her dark skin and black hair. Her eyes stood out more because of her complexion. Aria's narrow chin trembled slightly.

"I'm not trying to make you feel uncomfortable. You just woke up, Aria. We can have this conversation later if you prefer," I said. My eyes stayed fixated on her eyes.

Aria's eyes melted into mine. "N-no, I want to talk now. I need to know what I'm not remembering. Why are you here? Why would Tina have you tell me what happened? From what I remember, I only met you one time, and it didn't go well." Aria leaned back in her bed and stared at me.

I chuckled. "No, I suppose it didn't. It's a lot to take in, and I won't tell you everything. I would rather you remember than be told, but you will need some sort of explanation for why I am around. . ." I trailed off. Angel — I thought to myself. I took a deep breath — one thing at a time, Ace.

"Please," Aria begged me.

I cleared my throat, and my eyes flickered down to my hands. My hands were folded in my lap. "I'm your fiancé," I said. "We were supposed to be married a few months ago, but due to a head injury, you slipped into a coma."

Aria stayed silent.

My gaze went back to Aria.

Aria's chest rose and fell, and she looked panicked. Aria put a hand over her heart and continued to breathe erratically. "E-excuse me?" Aria looked down at that tattoo on her arm again.

"That tattoo you are tracing with your finger is a symbol for me," I said.

"What about this one?" Aria pointed her finger at the tattoo she got for Angel.

"We have a son," I admitted. "His name is Angel. Angel is nine months old."

Aria fisted her blanket and covered her face with it. Aria sobbed into the blanket, and her body shook. "Oh god," Aria cried. The blanket muffled her voice.

At this point, I had no idea what to do. After all this time, and I had to be the asshole to give her the bad news. I sighed and stood up. I rubbed her back.

Aria jumped slightly and looked up at me. The blanket fell into her lap. "You're messing with me, right?" Aria's eyes pleaded with mine. No part of her wanted to believe what I said, but she knew that I told her the truth.

"I'm sorry. I hate this, and I hate being the one to have to tell you about it," I murmured.

"Can you prove it to me?" Aria's voice came out a squeak. "Not prove it, but like, can you show me a picture or something of us?"

I chuckled. "Well, that is easy enough. There are plenty of those." I pulled my phone out and showed her my wallpaper. My wallpaper on the phone was of her, Angel, and me.

"Wow, is that him?"

"That's him," I said. "We took this picture about a week before the incident."

Aria sniffled and nodded. "He's beautiful. God, what kind of mother forgets her own son?" Aria shook her head. Tears flooded her cheeks.

"It's not your fault, Aria."

"What happened? You said it was an accident. Were we in a car accident?" Aria asked.

"I won't tell you that part. I'm hoping that your memory will come back."

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