Chapter 2: S.T.A.R. Labs

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Barry P.O.V.

We showed up at S.T.A.R. in Ricky's car. "How do you get here without a car? This would be like a five-hour walk?" She asked confused. There was something strange about her. I could feel the speed force radiating off of her. 

"Hey Barry, and hot girl." Cisco said drooling a little.

"My name is Ricky not hot girl but, thanks for the complement." Ricky said snickering. "You have one of these?" She asked pointing to the Nightwing poster on the wall.

"Yeah, she's the coolest hero ever. She's a girl who can beat up people two times her size. Plus, she's super hot." Cisco said before Ricky broke into laughter.

"Trust me, you wouldn't like her in person. She's terrifying." Ricky said stopping her laughter. "She would probably like your enthusiasm though." Ricky added before walking around the room.

"How do you know so much about her?"

"I'm a cop." Ricky said seriously.

"I thought you another one of Barry's fall back girls. Barry is desperately crushing on..." I put my hand on his mouth to make him stop talking.

"So, how did you get powers, Barry?" How did she know that? "I can see the Flash suit. Cisco is, no offense, too short so."

"Particle accelerator. What's in your pocket?"

"Escrima stick, used for fighting. Much more efficient than a taser in my opinion. Also, helps to knock people out in my night job." She whispered in my ear before winking.

"What's your night job?" I asked. Cisco was standing behind me with his mouth open.

"She's Nightwing!" Cisco shouted. She left in a cloud of blue smoke and was back in a blue and black outfit.

"In the flesh."

"That's an alarm. You two could fight crime together." I smiled at Cisco's suggestion and got dressed. 

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