"You think you a mere human could have beaten me so easily, bitch please. I had to annoy you long enough to make you snap and when you did, it was prefect. I went crying to my mate to be and told him you attacked me, then ran off with that sister of yours," She grins as she tells me this.

"He would never believe that shit," I told her as my blood began to boil.

"Oh yeah. I cried so much, it would have been very hard not to believe me. Plus, the damage you did was the prefect evidence," Erica stated, then started crying dramatically, "I-I came t-to make w-with our fu-future Luna a-and s-she...she w-was trying to r-ran off a-and when I-I tried t-to stop her, s-she got m-ad and attack m-me"

Damn, even I would have believed her if I hadn't known the conniving bitch she was. She actually looks to be in pain. Erica stopped crying and began laughing again. "That was so much fun, he actually believed me. I still can't believe he did. He can be dumb sometimes," She said shaking her head, "That's why I love him"

"You're such a fucking conniving bitch, Marcus will still be angry about Levi, even when he thought I have ran away"

"Levi doesn't know who attacked him and he never will, poor old man is in the next room with your brat of a sister. She is so much of a crier, I had to shut her up. She'll die rig...."

"Shut the fuck up and don't talk about her, you whore," The more she mentions Rose the more furious I become. I tugged at the roles again that bound my hand to he chair, trying to get to her. "If I ever get my hands on you, I'll kill you"

"You'll soon be dead to do or say anything," Erica glares matching my own, "If it was up to me I would kill you myself"

"You can try you bitch, were-fucking-wolf or not I will stuff you head so far up your probably stretch out ass," I screamed at her, "YOU THINK YOU'RE SO TOUGH BITCH, just let me get my hand on you. No wonder Marcus dumped a bitch like you. I bet you couldn't hold you own in human form, so depended on that weak ass wolf of yours. You know I feel sorry of it to have such a weak ass owner like........"

Before I could finish the bitch slap me hard across the face, blood spills from my lips. She began screaming, "Shut up! just shut up! He loves me, Marcus loves me," She says not to me, but to herself. So, the bitch as insecurites, she seems a bit lost in the head too.

"He doesn't, he wouldn't love someone who couldn't fight a mere human," I baited her.

"You'll see you bitch, when I fight and kill you. He'll love me for sure," Erica said with a big psycho grin on her face. She walks away from me, then came back with a dagger in hand. I glare at her as she rans the knife on my cheek breaking the skin. Warm liquid ran down my cheek, no doubt blood.

She steps behind me and I felt her running the knife in my back. I should feel fear as she does this, but I am not. Erica is clearly mental and she wants to prove that she could make Marcus proud and earn his love.

I felt the knife go down my spine and then ran through the roles that had bound my hands. Feeling he roles snapped, I flew from my chair turning to face her as I took my fighting stance.

Years of training, werewolf or not I will fight until my last breathe to fuck her up. "Weapons really, you must can fight a mere human without one, I mean which wolf couldn't"

"GGGRRRRR," She growls as she toss the dagger away. Looking ready to attack, which was exactly what she did.

She ran at me like a crazy person. Maybe in wolf form she can fight but in human form the bitch know nothing. She maybe a little stronger, but not as strong as a Alpha. I have my fighting skills, strategies and years of years of practice.

As she is about to crash into me, I doubled my fist and punch her in the face. She falls back being caught off guard. I didn't give her a chance to recover as I rained hard punchs on her.

Blood steep from her nose and lips as she fell to the ground whining. The hits she throws back were fibble. I straddle her waist giving her all that James taught me. Thinking of James and Claire right now caused something even wilder to snapped inside of me.

This bitch and who ever esle killed them in cold blood. My vow ranged in my mind as a started yells God know what in her face. In my peripheral vision I saw a crow bar on the floor. Reaching for it and grasping it tightly, I hit her as hard as I could in the head. Her painful cry rang out as she fell silent, unmoving.

I didn't realize how hard I was breathing until I panted to catch my next breath. My heart slammed into my rid cage, I thought it might burst. Glancing at Erica's breaken up face, I couldn't tell if she was alive or dead. And I didn't care.

I ran to the door, it wasn't even locked. Peaking out to ensure the coast was clear, thankfully it was. Before I rush to the nearest door. Pulling it open, I stepped in the poorly lite room.

What I saw maked me gasped in pain, my heart constricted painful as my gaze travel around the room. It was as big as the room I was previously in. The walls were white, but most of it was coved in a deep red substance, it could have been paint or blood, but my mind kept saying it's the latter.

Chains hung from the ceiling, the fowl scent that lingered in the air almost made me gagged. The door I entered through was the only one on the room, it had a big enough window on the far side, great for a escape.

A movement caught my eye, tied to a chair was Levi. He had blood trailing from the hole where is eye once was. He looks to be beaten badly too. Levi tilts his head as if sniffing the air. I rushed to his side.

"Levi," I called.

"Ozaria what are you doing here?" Levi asked confused.

"Levi, we must hurry," I said quickly as I untie the roles that bound his hands and legs. "We don't have much time"

"Check if Rose is okay, she stopped crying awhile ago," Levi told me as he rubs his wrist where the role was. "She's over there"

I rush to where he pointed. Rose was curved up into a ball with her hands tied, she had a large hand print on the side of her face. Dried tear stained her cheek, her eye lids were swellen. Rose seem to be in deep sleep, probably from exhaustion.

"Oh, my baby," I whispered as I untied her and hugged her to me. She stirred but didn't wake up. "I love you more than anything and I will always love you"

"Levi, you have to take Rose and go," I went back to where he was limping slightly. "It's far from over, there are more coming"

"Leave without you," He asked in disbelieve, "You must be crazy"

"We don't have time for this, Levi." I shouted. "Please take her and go. You are injured badly, it well take time for you to heal. And you can move fast." Forcing Rose in his arms as I pleaded with my eyes.

"No..." Levi began, but I cut him off. "Just get her to safety, then come back for me please. Please I beg you Levi, just get her out of here. I'll hold them off"

I loud growling caused me to snap my head to the door. I heard something crashed into the door trying to knock it down. I begged Levi with my eyes and he finally nods.

"I'll come back for you," Levi said, "Just stay alive until I do"

"I promise" kissing Rose cheek. Levi went off and out the window with my baby safely in his arms. Just as they were out of sight, the door give way as the wolf walked in. From the blood strains on it's fur, I knew it was Erica.

"Wolf form now really, Erica. I thought you could beat me in human form," I taunt. She growls even louder snapping her canines at me. "You're just a pathetic bitch"

I guess she didn't like being mocked. The wolf came at me in a force and speed I couldn't dodge. I felt myself falling as it's sharpe teeth sinked into my fresh.


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