"They're performing tests on her right now. Cleaning her up and trying to find out what's damaged." I replied as I burrowed my head into my knees. I felt Emma's hand on my back.

"What about Drew?" She asked.

"He's in intensive care." I said.

We sat in complete silence.

"How do you do it Flynn?" She asked.

I looked up at her in confusuion.

"Remain so... calm?" She asked.

I scoffed and said "Trust me, Emma. I learnt to hide my emotions. Inside, I'm torn and broken to pieces..."

"Mr and Miss Winters?" After two hours, a doctor came out.

"Yes, doctor." We stood up with urgency and hurried over to him.

"I have news on Miss Smith and Mr Kingston. Mr Kingston is a very lucky man. He lost a lot of blood but luckily he has a common blood type." Emma released a short breath of relief.

"As for Miss Smith..." He continued. "She wasn't quite as lucky. She is in a medically induced coma." The doctor said.

No. No. No.

"How... bad is it?" I asked.

"Not too severe. We can't be a hundred percent sure, but she could wake up in a matter of days. For now, you need to try and get her into some kind of conscieness. At this moment in time, she may murmur things and have a very, very slight amount of awarness. Does she have any family or..."

"No. We.. we are her family." Said Emma.

He nodded.

"Can we see them?" I asked.

"I would suggest one at a time. Maybe miss Winters check Mr Kingston and Mr Winters check Miss Smith?" We both looked at eachother and nodded, then headed our separate ways.

Drew POV

I winced in pain as I moved slightly in the hospital bed. Then In came...


It's so difficult to see her and feel the way I do. I'm not used to... feeling love. I guess? I'm damaged goods I guess you could say.

"Hey, Winters Junior." I smiled as she sat down on the seat by my bed.

"Drew..." She held my hand.

"You complete idiot." Her voice trembled.

"Never scare me like that again." She continued as she rubbed my hand.

"Em..." I took my hand and placed it on her chin.

"It's okay... I'm okay..." I consoled her.

She weakly smiled and I said "Look, there's something I have to tell you. Nearly dying and all makes a guy realize that he doesn't want to die without things... unsaid." She looked at me confused. 

Here goes nothing.

I took a deep breath in and continued. "Ever since... I first met you, that winter 6 years ago...I've just.. felt weird.. and trust me not in a bad way.  I know what i'm about to say is going to change nothing but hear me out." She nodded.

"I...I like you Emma. I like you a lot. and I'm so sorry but I had to...and I know when we discussed it years ago I said..."

"sh..sh" She said. she got up and kissed my lip. Very gently and softly.

"If it was another time before Danny, Drew... I would... have a different mind set. I did... Have a different mindset. But now I'm promised to someone...I just wish we had spoken earlier... But you know if nothing goes to plan with danny, your the first man I'll call. I will always care about you... in s way I shouldn't... but I wouldn't be a good person if I backed out of this...but...you will always be the first... And technically only person to have my heart..."She  continued to rub my hand as softly as her kiss imprinted itself into my mind.

I must have met her when she was 15 and I was about 18. Flynn had just returned home from Juvie with me and it was Emma who came to see him on his first day out. Obviously, Martha had just passed and John, well I don't think he even knew Flynn went Juvie. I mean he did, because he was still a minor but the chances of him being p*ssed the whole time is very, very likely.

I guess it was love at first sight.

And a lot happend I'm those years until we lost contact... A lot...

I nodded and said "I know... I'm sorry..."

"Don't be sorry. I should be sorry. I should have waited but I thought you forgot about me...'

"I could never forget you... You shouldn't have been in the situation to wait."

She looked down and said "I think I've got some serious considering to do..."

.... hang on... Does that mean....?
She's thinking of leaving Danny...?
For me?


Oh no... Bad

But suddenly... We found our faces etching closer.

And kissed again, gently, softly, slowly

Flynn POV

No way am I prepared for what's behind this door. I started to pace up and down. With one moment without doubt, I pushed it open.

And there she lay.

I slowly walked over to her bed side and gently picked up her fragile hand.

"Oceane..." I spoke to her. 

Without a doubt, she was still the most beautiful girl in the world.

I just sat and watched her. Her slow breaths. The twitch of an eye.

"I'm going to take care of you.. I promise." I whispered.  I meant it. What ever the cost I will make sure she is seen too. I grazed my hand against her soft cheek. At least I can watch her now.

 I will let no harm come to her. 

Saving Emma: The Art Of Falling. Book 6Where stories live. Discover now