
I'd set the alarm for 8am giving me less than five hours sleep. My head was in a total fog. I turned on the shower, feeling my body tense as the hot water hit those parts invaded by Jared only hours ago. Leaning against the cool tiles, I allowed myself the pleasure of feeling droplets of water gently running down my chest and into my raw folds. The clouds of steam relaxed me and I slowly moved my fingers across my hardened nipples, feeling a jolt of excitement hit my core.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, slipping two fingers inside and starting a steady rhythm in and out. I felt my stomach tighten and I stopped right there, sinking to my knees, my body shaking. I was lost on the edge of orgasm, denying myself that final act. The sensation was intense, my clit was hard to the touch, wanting and needing further stimulation ... but being denied. I felt intense pressure washing over me in waves as each time I backed down, teetering on a climactic cliff edge.

Memories of Jared filled my head - his hard cock invading me, filling me, taking me to another place. His dominance, chasing away any fears I might have had.

I waited, hoping to still the moment - just like Jared had taught me. But the agony was too great. My body and mind weakened. I stood up in the swirling steam and grabbed the shower head, directing the jet of water on to my engorged clit. The sensation rocked my body over the edge and my legs gave way. I sat in the shower tray gaspinjg, shivering and aching for the touch of both Shannon and Jared. I was wracked with confusion and aching desire.


Jess was already at her desk by the time I arrived in work. She looked up, as I dropped my bags on the floor, avoiding eye contact.

"Coffee's brewing if you're in need of caffeine Lex." I turned to meet her gaze. "So ... are you going to tell me what happened last night?" She walked over and perched on the edge of my desk. "What the hell was Jared thinking, calling around at that time?"

I sighed, biting my lip and wondering how much to confide and how much to hold back. We shared all our secrets, very much like Jared said he did with Shannon.

I switched on my laptop and looked up. Jess's eyes probed mine. "OK," I said, throwing my hands in the air. "Get me a coffee and I'll give you all the horny details if you promise to keep off my back for the rest of the day."

I could tell Jess was captivated. It's unusual for her to be so quiet, listening rather than talking and firing off questions.

I finished the story with Jared dropping me off outside. Jess didn't need to know about how aroused I'd become in the shower this morning. That was one detail too far, even for me.

"Shit Lex, how are you going to make this work?" she asked, making her way back to her desk to pick up the phone.

"Oh, hi Carrie. Yes, we're both here. Is there a problem?"

I listened, trying to work out what Carrie was saying. Jess was frantically scribbling down notes in a pad, hanging on her every word. "OK. Leave it with us. I'll keep you updated."

Jess ended the call and looked over at me. "Carrie's flying out to New York. Looks like she's landed us another A-list client. That means, of course, that we're landed with a shit load of work in her absence." Jess held up her book full of scribbled notes. "That's the list of things she wants sorting out before she flies back to LA."

I groaned, knowing my diary was rammed full of things to do without this added burden. "Christ Jess, there aren't enough hours in the day to pull everything together as it is. Where are we going to find the time to juggle all this?"

My phone vibrated with an incoming call. I glanced at the screen. Jared. I picked it up, holding the phone so Jess could see who was calling. She raised her eyebrows and came back to sit on my desk, leaning forward to listen in on the conversation.

I pressed answer. "Hi Jared. You OK?" I said, trying to sound outwardly calm while inside my stomach was churning.

"I'm good Lexy. Do you have time to come over and run through some of the party details?"

Jess, tapped me on the shoulder, shaking her head and mouthing the word no. She was right, of course. We would be chained to the office at least for today, keeping our heads above water.

"Jared, ... today's impossible. Carrie's in New York and has left us with a huge workload," I said. "I'll crack on with the plans here but I can't find time to come out to your place I'm afraid."

The silence, as they say, was deafening. "Jared? Are you still there?"

"..... I thought we'd agreed to work together Lexy? Remember who's paying your wages on this job."

"Oh for fuck's sake," I muttered, covering the phone with my hand. Jess squeezed my shoulder and pointed to her pad. She'd written the words: tell him to fuck off .

I giggled and pushed her away. "Jared, things change. I'd be over in a flash but I have to stay put with Jess today to micro manage everything Carrie's left us with." I could tell he was pissed but he'd have to live with it. He wasn't our only client, even if he believed he was.

I hung up with the promise to call back later. Jess rolled her eyes as I looked up. "Wow, he wants you Lex ... badly!" She laughed out loud before adding: "But he still needs to be told to fuck off!"

"Jess! Don't say that. I somehow have to work alongside him. Anyway," I said looking at the time, "if we don't crack on with some of this work we'll never get anything done."

The next few hours were taken up with endless phone calls, writing reports for clients and sending regular updates via text to Carrie.

Lunchtime came and went, hunger swept aside under the pressure of deadlines. "Lex?" I looked up at the sound of Jess's voice. It was 6pm and I think we were both wired on caffeine with pretty much nothing else. "Shall we call it a day hun? We're pretty much on top of today's plans."

I closed the laptop and rubbed my eyes, aware of a growl of hunger rising from my stomach. "That's a great idea," I said. "Come on. Let's pack up and go find some food."

We decided on a Mexican two blocks away. We'd heard good things and it was close by, so we phoned ahead to book a table.

The place was lit with neon signs, flashing and glowing as we were shown to a table at the back, away from a crowd gathering at the bar. We ordered margaritas and then sat down, exhausted from the day. One sip from the salted, ice cold glass instantly relaxed me.

"So ... no more communication from Mr Leto then?" Jess asked.

"Which one?" I sighed, smiling at the look of horror on Jess's face.

"Oh don't tell me Shannon's been in contact as well," she said, making a grab for my phone. I laughed, palming it quickly into my pocket and out of her reach.

"Maybe," I teased, knowing she'd want every detail laid out in full.

"Spill Lex, c'mon. I want to know every little thing." She waved at the waiter and ordered another two margaritas. "We'll get a cab later."

My phone buzzed, then a message pinged. I picked it up and checked the screen. I noticed two missed calls – from Shannon.

I placed the phone back in my pocket and downed the rest of my margarita. "Jess, where's the bathroom in this place?" She pointed to the flashing neon sign. How could I have possibly missed it. I pushed back my chair, telling her to order me tortilla chips and guacamole.

The cubicle door swung closed behind me and the lock clicked as I sat down and keyed in Shan's number.

He answered on the first ring. "Hey gorgeous, where are you?" I knew as soon as I heard his voice I would melt. Whatever I had going with Jared, Shannon ruled my heart.

"I'm eating out with Jess at that new Mexican place near the office. What about you?"

"I'm in bed ....." he let those words hang in the air. "Will you be joining me later? I've been thinking about you all day."

His voice lowered: "Enjoy your food with Jess but hurry ... I'll keep the bed warm."

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