It was 11pm when I finally wrapped everything up and decided to head home. Jess had promised a late supper, maybe not quite this late but I'd kept her updated on my progress. I dropped her a text, closed my laptop and locked up the office.

Outside, the night air was cool and lights from surrounding businesses flooded the sidewalk as I made my way to my car. As promised, Emma had had it delivered to a parking lot next to the office. I flicked the fob and the door unlocked. The traffic downtown was quiet at this time of night and I pulled out, heading for home and that promise of food.

I didn't care how late it was, the smells coming from the kitchen were too good to resist. "Jess!" I pulled her into my arms, resting my head on her shoulder. "OK. That was one of the best and worst days of my life." The words tumbled out. I couldn't hold them back. I felt Jess's arms wrap tightly around me, her face questioning as she looked at the exhaustion written across my face.

"God Lex. What's been happening?" she asked, pushing me into the nearest chair and placing a simple Italian pasta dish in front of me. "Let's eat and you can fill me in," she said.

It took as long to explain the day's events as it took to devour the food in front of me. Jess kept prompting me to continue when I descended into a long silence, every now and then reassuring me that things would be OK.

The pasta was washed down by a couple of glasses of Merlot, taking the edge off the day. "Jess, I'll never get to sleep after the day I've had. And now all this," I said, laughing and pointing to the empty plates and wine glasses. "

"I think food's the least of your problems judging by the day you've had. Let's get this straight," she said, taking me by the hand and leading me to my bedroom. She pulled back the sheets and we lay there, picking apart the bones of my hellish day.

"So ... you've managed to bed two brothers without knowing they were brothers. And Jared and Shannon don't realise either? Shit Lex, you've fucked up well and good on this one."

"Thanks for the wise words Jess." I punched her on the arm and turned over, burying my face in the pillow.

"You can't hide away there hun. What if Jared finds out?"

"No!" I shouted, the sound muffled by the pillow over my face. "Don't go there, please."

"Lex, we'll sort this out together.

"Anyway," she giggled, "which brother came out best?"

My hand snapped back to deliver another punch but Jess dodged the blow, laughing at my obvious discomfort.

"Jess, I didn't ask for this. Now I've got to work out how best to keep them both apart." I lifted my face from the pillow, trying to adjust my eyes to the sudden brightness of the lights. "Jesus Jess, can you dim those for a moment."

It was well gone midnight and I was still wired. "Whatever happens keep all this from Carrie, please."

That's all I needed was her to find out what was happening. The night's silence was broken by the slam of a car door. "What was that?" Jess said. She peered out of the window but shrugged her shoulders. "Can't see anything." She pulled closed the curtains just as a knock sounded on the door.

We looked at each other. "Who calls at this time of night?" I asked, stepping out of bed and heading downstairs. "Lex, hold on. Don't go without me."

She followed, slowing me down as another knock echoed around the hallway. "OK. Calm down," I shouted, annoyed by the persistence at this time of night.

I put the chain on the door, before opening it. I looked out and felt my stomach tighten. Under the porch light, Jared met my gaze, signalling me to take off the chain.

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