"What are you umming about Lex? What's up? Spill the beans!"

"Nothing important! We'll speak later when I get home. See ya." I ended the call before she could ask anymore probing questions.

One more job ... to reply to Jared's text.

Lexy: Jared. I needed to think before replying to your last text. I'll never forget last night. I mean never. But we must keep this professional. I hope I haven't hurt your feelings x

I palmed my phone into my pocket and went back inside, the warmth of the cafe easing away the shivers from standing on the sidewalk, talking and texting.

"OK, I'm done." I leaned over his shoulder, nudging him to get up and settle the bill. He pulled on his Raybans before we left and wrapped a scarf around his neck, hiding those tattoos. Again, I noticed that familiar triangle on his neck – similar to those on Jared's arms. I'd have to remember to ask him about it some time.

We walked two blocks down to Whole Foods, chatting, catching up and stocked up on lunch, before driving back to his house. "Let me take those bags," Shannon said, handing me the keys to unlock the door.

"Where shall I go? You'll have to guide me." The house was beautiful. Cool, white walls. Mediterranean tiled floors and a very relaxed vibe. "Follow me," he said, heading down a hall lined with black and white photographs.

"Your house is beautiful," I smiled, watching him grab plates and unpack the food. "Let me help." I moved alongside him, giggling as he struggled to open a tub of hummus. "Give it to me. Look, remove the tab and it opens as if by magic!" I tickled his ribs, knowing he'd squirm.

And he did ... but lightning quick, he scooped me into his arms and lifted me on to the kitchen table. Our heads were touching, my legs straddled either side of his hips, as we breathed in and savoured this moment.

I felt his arms wrap around me and pull my body in closer, my head resting on his shoulder while my lips brushed across his neck. "Lexy?" I felt his arm pull away from my back and his hand cup my chin until our eyes met. "I wish we hadn't parted like we did. I don't know how to make you understand how difficult it is to balance my jobs and have a stable, normal relationship." His eyes looked down, away from me, holding back whatever emotions were fighting to be heard.

"So what now?" I had to ask the question. I wasn't sure if even Shannon knew what he wanted. This time he rested his head against my chest, letting out a sigh. I could feel his body relax as I rubbed my hand down his neck and along the taut muscles of his shoulders. "You don't have to answer Shan. I'd just like to know why you can't mix the two."

We ate in silence after that, every now and then feeding each other pieces of fruit from the bowl, lost in our own worlds. I wasn't about to push him to open up. He'd have to decide if, or when, the time was right.

"Shan, I'm going to have to get some work done." I touched his arm, bringing him out of his trance. "Take me to your office and let me crack on with everything I need to get done."

"I'm sorry I've been quiet Lexy." He moved closer, pulling me into his arms, so close I could hear the rhythm of his heart beating against his chest. His hand slid under my T-shirt, letting his fingers trace the curve of my spine. A shiver raced from my core, taking me by surprise. "You OK babe?" Shannon pulled me in closer again.

"I'm fine," I mumbled. "But I have to get back to work, wonderful as this moment is." I pulled away, then placed a tender kiss on his cheek. "Your office ... or my boss will kill me!"

The words had the desired effect of breaking the increasing tension between us and getting me back to my party planning. Shannon laughed and dragged me to my feet. "OK. Let's get you settled upstairs and I'll clear up down here."

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