"Yeah, sure. Do we know who the birthday party's for?" I asked this while swirling my finger around my coffee cup, licking the creamy foam from my fingers. Bad habit, I know, and from the look on Carrie's face she thought the same. "For Christ sake don't do that in front of Jared ... and no, I have no idea who the party's for. Just get your ass to his place and make it on time. He doesn't suffer fools gladly, especially those who're late for meetings."

Now was not the time to voice similarities between Jared and my boss, so I bit my tongue. Nor was it the time to admit I'd never even heard of Jared Leto.

Thank God for Satnav. This was definitely not my part of town; way, way out of my league. I smiled at the thought of the modest duplex I shared with my work colleague Jess, as I craned my neck to look at some of these amazing properties. I felt butterflies in my stomach as I made a mental check list of things to remember. I didn't need a brain freeze on my first appointment.

Casting my eyes down to the screen, I could see I was just a minute from Jared's house. There hadn't been much time for homework, I admit, but I knew the bare bones: actor, musician, Gucci muse. If I'd had more time with Google, I'd have been better prepared ... but this was business and I had a list as long as my arm to work through with him.

The aircon in the car had lulled me. As I threw open the car door, the heat of the day burned into my skin as I took in the sheer size of the place.

"Hi I'm Emma!" I almost jumped out of my skin. I'd been too wrapped up in my party planning thoughts to notice the woman approaching me with a welcoming smile on her face.

"I'm Jared's assistant. Come with me. He won't be a moment. He's just taking some calls and he'll be with you. Can I get you some water or juice?"

She was really sweet and I could feel the tension melt away as I accepted a bottle of chilled water.

"How big is this place? It's amazing!" I couldn't help the words tumbling out.

"Believe me, it's silly big," Emma laughed, watching my eyes sweep across the space we were sat in. "It's an old air force station. Not what you'd call a conventional family home. Anyway, Jared's not what you'd call conventional, so it's a perfect match.

"I'll have to leave you now. I've got a mountain of work to get through," she said apologetically. "Just give Jared another few minutes and he'll be with you." With that she was gone, lost in the hugeness of this house.

Without Emma, I felt lost again. I curled my legs underneath me on the sofa, opening my bag and pulling out my notes. I zoned out as I went through my check list, making sure I hadn't forgotten anything. My phone vibrated, sending a jolt through my thighs and into my stomach.

CARRIE: Don't submit to any of his charm offensive!!!!!!!!!

ME: WHAT??????

CARRIE: You obviously haven't met him yet .....

I shoved my phone out of sight in my bag, flustered and wondering where the fuck he was. And I don't use the word "fuck" lightly.

I gathered my papers into a pile on the sofa, unaware of footsteps approaching from behind.

"So you're Lexy ...." the voice was dominant, yet soft, and made me jump, as I turned my body to face him.

Keep professional Lexy ... that's all I could think. "Hi! Yes I've come to discuss your party plans. Shall we sit down somewhere and we can go through the details?" He was watching my every move, I could tell. He let my words fall into a void, waiting for a reaction to the silence between us. I felt a shiver run across me. "Shall we go and find somewhere then?" I took control of the situation, standing while smoothing the creases from my linen dress, an impossible task I know, but it distracted me for a moment.

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