I stand on tiptoes, kiss him lightly on the lips and step into the taxi.

....And that was Dan and my life in Louisiana.

I loved the place but I knew, if I wanted adventure, LA was the place to go. Sure I'd make friends and somehow find a job. I'd saved up money to cushion me for the first few months and dad had given me money for three months rent.

As I gazed out the taxi window, familiar streets went by in a colorful blur, until Shreveport Airport came into view. My stomach ached with nerves which then collided with butterflies of excitement, leaving me desperate to start this journey of self discovery.

Once my bags were checked in, I was free to wander, losing myself in the swarming crowds of people, heading off who knows where. I searched for the departures board and then scanned down the flickering, ever changing list of destinations - until I found the 12.30pm flight to Los Angeles.

An hour to kill, I spotted a coffee outlet, standing room only by the looks of it, which suggested the coffee was as good as the aroma greeting my caffeine starved mind.

The espresso shot instantly wired my sleep-deprived body, waking up my brain cells and firing a round of adrenaline through my veins.

I drained the paper cup before tossing it into the recycling bin and heading for check-in. Gate 24 was only a short walk, which was a relief as my legs felt like turning and running for the sanctuary of Dan and his warm embrace.

The queue of travellers snaked around the roped off barriers so I grabbed my place and got ready for the long wait for boarding.

"Excuse me." I felt a hand touch my shoulder, dragging me out of a daydream I wasn't ready to give up easily.

The queue had moved forward quite rapidly, not that I'd have noticed, lost in my other world.

A member of the airline staff, asked for my passport. I always get nervous as hell as they flip through the pages, why, I don't know because there's absolutely  nothing to hide. But that's just me: nervous, shy, inexperienced and eager to please.

"Ms Jenson?" I was like a rabbit caught in the headlights, wondering if they'd uncovered some awful truth about my 'sordid' past.

I handed over my passport, feeling the sweat from my palms coating the  cover.

"Firstly we have to apologise because we've overbooked the standard class cabin. But if it's OK with you, we're upgrading you to first class for the LA flight."

The words took a moment to sink in. But then ....  I was travelling first class to LA!!!!

"I'll take it!" I hoped the words didn't tumble out in too much of a jumble. I felt a rush of blood to my cheeks, as I was ushered away from the crowds.

"This way Ms Jenson," said a perfectly manicured airline steward, as she guided me to the aircraft's first class boarding section.

I'm not going to lie, everything was a blur; my hands were shaking and I couldn't think straight. Was I wearing appropriate clothes, how should I behave, and for God's sake, where were the loos in first class. A million questions and worries flooded my mind as I was guided towards the aircraft.

Once through the door, I was guided left (that feels really strange for a standard-class traveller) and into another world of luxury air travel.

"Ms Jenson, make yourself comfortable, and we'll be around with drinks just after take-off."

I smoothed my cotton dress down over my stomach, realising now how little it covered my thighs. My legs stretched out as I gazed out at the sunsoaked runway, a heat haze shimmering into the horizon, towards my new life.

I picked up a cotton blanket and draped it over my legs, not that I was cold but to provide a little modesty caused by my dress riding up and exposing my panties.

"Excuse me." A voice broke unwanted into my thoughts. I raised my eyes, shielding them from a ray of sunshine, piercing through the rounded window and illuminating my face.

"Do you mind if I pull down the blind for a moment?" A lazy smile and the most gorgeous hazel eyes gazed down at me.

I'm like the old rabbit caught in the headlights.

"Umm, no, go ahead, I'm ... Lexy..." Oh for fuck's sake why did I do that. I can feel the heat rise from within, snaking its way through my chest and into my too-pale cheeks.

"Good afternoon Lexy...." He bends down, his muscular, tattooed arms brushing the blanket covering my legs.

"I'm Shannon."

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